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The day, too, has been without event, except that I have heard occasional sounds in the neighbourhood of the forecastle, which I think must come from the sick men imprisoned there, and attempting to cut their way out. "Oct. 7th. We are still let alone. Doubtless the mutineers think to starve us out or to lull us into a false security and catch us unawares.

The French were under Vice-Admiral d'Estrées, the same who had commanded them at Solebay. A force of six thousand English troops at Yarmouth was ready to embark if De Ruyter was worsted. On the 7th of June the Dutch were made out, riding within the sands at Schoneveldt.

Loudon has had Glatz blockaded since June 7th; since June 23d he has had Fouquet rooted away, and the ground clear for a Siege of Glatz.

I cannot conceive a nobler or more fitting pedestal. The sullenness of the day had vanished, the air was cool but invigorating, and the cloud scenery was as fine as that below it. . . . . Though it was nearly ten o'clock, the boys of the village were in full shout and play, for these long and late summer evenings keep the children out of bed interminably. July 7th.

It fell very well to-day, a stranger preached here for Mr. Ibbot, one Mr. Stanley, who prayed for King Charles, by the Grace of God, &c., which gave great contentment to the gentlemen that were on board here, and they said they would talk of it, when they come to Breda, as not having it done yet in London so publickly. 7th.

"Seventeen days," reiterated the other, nodding his shaggy head; "you came here on the 2nd of Pluviose, today is the 19th." "The 19th Pluviose?" interposed Sir Percy, and a strange gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes. "Demn it, sir, and in Christian parlance what may that day be?" "The 7th of February at your service, Sir Percy," replied Chauvelin quietly. "I thank you, sir.

Little Robin, thou hast left us, We shall hear thy chirp no more; Very lonely hast thou left us, And our hearts are very sore. On the 7th of June, two little kittens, in the barn of Mrs. Maxwell. We grieve greatly at recording the deaths of these loving and lovely twins, so sad and unexpected.

Stories gravely related by Du Clercq represent the people of Dinant goaded to actual fury of resistance. By August 7th, the Burgundian troops made their appearance, winding down to the river. Conspicuous among the standards and nobles from all Philip's dominions were in evidence was the banner of the Count of Charolais, displaying St. George slaying the dragon.

On the 7th of October, 1571, the young hero, now twenty-four years old, as commander of the united fleets of Spain, Venice, and the Pope, gained the greatest victory which any Castilian force had ever won over the troops of the infidels. Instead of the name received at his baptism, and the one which he owed to his brother, that of Victor of Lepanto now adorned him.

The Princess has done well; greet her and thank her warmly from me. Who knows how it will turn out? I do not care to know. This is a sign of life to which you must respond sympathetically. Your Zurich, February 7th, 1854 Dearest Richard, It is a sad fate that we have to live apart from each other. I can tell you nothing but that I think of you constantly and love you from my heart of hearts.