United States or Seychelles ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

According to the assertion of a recruiting sergeant, the people of Birmingham are smaller than those anywhere else, being usually 5 feet 4 to 5 inches tall; out of 613 recruits, but 238 were found fit for service.

Roman Catholics 3,238,656 Irish Church 575,489 Presbyterians 439,876 Methodists 61,806 All other Christian denominations 57,718 Jews 5,101 Information refused 3,305 I beg the electors of Great Britain to look steadily into the above figures, and to ask themselves who are the Home Rulers and who are the Unionists in Ireland.

The development of the idea of 'sacred' is a social communal one, but it is impossible for us to say precisely how all the individual sacred objects were selected, or what was the exact attitude of primeval man toward all the things that are now regarded as sacred. +238+. The conception of power resident in certain things to control human life is represented by our term "luck."

Of the 238 vessels composing the present Navy of the United States, 56, carrying 507 guns, are in squadron service. During the year the number of vessels in commission has been reduced 12, and there are 13 less on squadron duty than there were at the date of the last report.

See Evidence, Royal Commission on University Education in Ireland, vol. iii., p. 238, Questions 8702-6.

According to Mr. Ross's Almanac for 1836 contains, at p. 238, the governor's proclamation for the division mentioned above; whilst a third division of the island into the counties of Argyle and Launceston is followed in the Report of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, for 1842.

We have a Centre Rush who weighs 238, and you wouldn't dent him with a Hatchet. We caught him in the Woods north of Town and brought him down here. He is taking a Special Course in Piano Music two hours a Week and the rest of the Time he is throwing Substitutes down and biting them on the Arm." Buchanan and his trembling Parent sat at the edge of the Gridiron and watched the Carnage for a while.

If, however, these drawings represent six hundred distinct species of fish, they constitute, so far as I know, the largest collection of fish from one locality in existence. The number of known British fishes may be safely assumed to be less than 250, and Mr. Yarrell enumerates only 226, Dr. Cantor's valuable work on Malayan fishes enumerates not more than 238, while Dr.

At 19,435 feet my pulse had accelerated, and it was with increasing difficulty that I could read the instruments; the palpitation of the heart was very perceptible; the hands and lips assumed a dark bluish colour, but not the face. At 20,238 feet 28 vibrations of a horizontal magnet occupied 43 seconds.

That which is posterior exists from what is prior, as it exists from what is prior, 330. Between prior and posterior there is no determinate proportion, 326. POWER, active or living, and passive or dead, 480. Whence proceeds the propagative, or plastic force, in seeds of the vegetable kingdom, 238. PRECEPT. He who from purpose or confirmation acts against one precept, acts against the rest, 528.