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Now the distance which a body will fall by gravity, in .26 of a second, is 1.087 feet; and a weight of 214 lbs. put into motion by gravity, or by a pressure of 214 lbs., would, therefore, acquire a velocity of 1.087 feet during the time one revolution of the screw is being performed.

That of Theodore Valade, No. 214, was a full account of the battle of Donaldsonville, and those of Archbishop Perche, David Kuhnagel, and many other involved intricate and interesting questions of citizenship as well as damages for the destruction of property. On May 10, 1884, Mr. Boutwell made an exhaustive and final report on all these claims to the Secretary of State, Hon.

I slept in my new lodging at 37, Rue de la Course. February 16. At the Assembly today the result of the Paris elections was proclaimed. Louis Blanc was first with 216,000 votes; then came myself with 214,000 votes, then Garibaldi with 200,000. The ovation extended to me by the people yesterday is regarded by the Majority as an insult to it.

After what has been said above, it will be necessary, first of all, to choose the period when the moon will be in perigee, and also the moment when she will be crossing the zenith, which latter event will further diminish the entire distance by a length equal to the radius of the earth, i. e. 3,919 miles; the result of which will be that the final passage remaining to be accomplished will be 214,976 miles.

The defeat of Carthage gave the Romans control of the western Mediterranean. During the same period Roman interests were pushing into East Europe and Western Asia. In 214 B.C., Philip of Macedon had made an alliance with Hannibal, directed against Rome.

"Imagine," says the latter, "what the royal authority purged of Mazarinism would have been, and the party of the Prince de Condé purged of faction! More than all, what surety was there in M. the Duke d'Orleans!" De Retz, tom, ii., p. 205. The same, p. 214. But De Retz was not the only politician who terrified himself with the idea of such a future looming thus darkly for France.

See also A.L. Barbauld, Correspondence of Samuel Richardson , IV, 55-6, and the Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville, Mrs. Delaney , First series, III, 79, 214. J.G. Lockhart, Life of Scott, Everyman edition, 34. Coleridge's Letters, I, 368. W. Scott, Old Mortality, Conclusion.

And for that that I would that thou knew what manner of working it is that knitteth man's soul to God, and that maketh it one with Him in love and accordance of will, after the word of saint Paul saying thus: Qui adhaeret Duo unus spiritus est cum illo;214 that is to say: "Who so draweth near to God," as it is by such a reverent affection touched before, "he is one spirit with God."

Owing to a fear of a difficulty with Spain about the Falkland Islands, the number for the following year was suddenly raised to 31,927. Consequently, the increase was 20,214, which, added to the 'waste' on the previous year, made the whole naval demand about 21,000.

The committee on enrolled bills examined 667 Senate bills and joint resolutions and sent them to the President and 591 became laws, the number of vetoes, including "pocket vetoes," being 76. The House of Representatives passed 1,561 House bills and sent them to the Senate, and the Senate passed 1,347 of them, leaving 214 to perish.