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See Guide to Grand-Jurymen, Dedication. Ibid., 11-12. Ibid., 53. Ibid., 214. This he did on the authority of a repentant Mr. Edmonds, of Cambridge, who had once been questioned by the University authorities for witchcraft. Ibid., 136-138. Guide to Grand-Jurymen, 22-28. He was "for the law, but agin' its enforcement." Ibid., 92. Ibid., 94, 97.

I hope to be saved by faith, not by my faith, but by the faith of Christ in me. Ib. p. 214. The Scripture nameth the faithful a people of God's saints. But here one may say; the sins which daily we commit, do offend and anger God; how then can we be holy? 'Answer'. A mother's love to her child is much stronger than are the excrements and scurf thereof.

In the metropolitan province of Chihli, for example, I find that there are now more teachers in government schools than there were pupils six years ago, and the total attendance has grown from 8000 to 214,637!

And this perhaps was a wise line to take. A taboo on promiscuity had to be created, and for this purpose any current prejudice could be made use of. Myth, Ritual and Religion, i, p. 66. See Spencer and Gillen, Native Tribes of Australia. The author of The Mystic Rose seems to take this view. See p. 214 of that book. With us moderns the whole matter has taken a different complexion.

The accounts and estimates which will be submitted to Congress in the report of the Secretary of the Treasury show that there will probably be a deficit occasioned by the expenses of the Mexican War and treaty on the 1st day of July next of $5,828,121.66, and on the 1st day of July, 1851, of $10,547,092.73, making in the whole a probable deficit to be provided for of $16,375,214.39.

On the 8th we made 214 miles and the "Monmouth," which was still giving trouble, was ordered up to the front and signalled by the Admiral to "stoke up." The Admiral had all the Captains scared stiff. Along in the afternoon we got into the Gulf stream. A man threw a green canvas pail overboard, dipped it full and took the temperature of the water. It was 56°. Next day at noon it was 62°.

As to the various marvels in the chapter, it must be borne in mind that our author, as he tells us at the end, only gives them from hearsay. See "Buddhist Records of the Western World," vol. ii, pp. 214, 215, where the description, however, is very different. Compare the account of Buddha's great stride of fifteen yojanas in Ceylon, as related in chapter xxxviii.

As far as they are used in the common writing, they amount to 2,425. The number of characters in the Chinese dictionary is 40,000, of which, however, only 10,000 are required for the general purposes of literature. They are disposed under 214 signs, which serve as keys, and which correspond to our alphabetic order.

Mary, Rue Saint-Antoine, Nos. 214 and 216; the church, still standing, was built in 1632 after the model of Notre-Dame-de-la-Rotonde at Rome, and is called Notre-Dame-des-Anges. Another convent of the same order was built in 1623 in the Rue Saint-Jacques, Nos. 193 and 195, and is I believe still occupied by nuns, as it was so very recently.

This evening, the lieutenant and Mr. Green observed an emersion of the first satellite of Jupiter, which gave 214 53' 45" of longitude. The observation taken on the 29th of June had given 214 48' 30"; and the mean was 214 48' 7-1/2", being the longitude of the place west of Greenwich. On the 17th, Mr.