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Well old pal they thought for a wile that it was Feeney for yrs. truly as they say over here and believe me I was in such pain that I would of been glad to die to get rid of the pain and the Dr. said it was a good thing I was such a game bird and had such a physic or I couldn't of never stood it.

If the plan is abandoned, this significant question will be, nay, is already asked 'What, then, cannot the Anglican Church bear the Lives of her Saints? Ever yrs, J.R. Hope, Esq. to the Rev. J.H. Newman. 6 Stone Bdgs, Linc. Inn: Nov. 8, '43.

"Regarding W.B. 23645, Hibbert & Jones, consignor of the cat you are holding in storage, advises us that the consignee claims cat you have is not the cat shipped by consignor. Return cat by first train to this office. If the cat is not strong enough to travel alone have veterinary accompany it. Yrs. truly, Interurban Express Company, per J." At first a grin spread over the face of Flannery.

But I told her I wasn't one of those kind and I guest when it came to talking I could give as good as I sent and she asked me was I a college man and I kidded her along and said yes I went to Harvard and she said what year so I told her I was there 2 different yrs. and we talked along about this in that and I happened to have them verses in my pocket that I wrote up and they dropped out when I was after my pocket book and she acted like she wanted to know what the writeing was so I showed them to her.

The Small Pox had distroyed a great number of the nativs in this quarter. it provailed about 4 or 5 yrs Sinc among the Clatsops, and distroy'd Several hundreds of them, four of their Chiefs fell a victym to it's ravages. these Clatsops are Deposited in their Canoes on the bay a fiew miles below us.

"He was buried outside the grave-yard, at the top of the hill, as near as might be to the granite head-stone that recorded the virtues of 'Ye most faithful Servant and Man of God Silus Timothy Lorrimer Who for 52 Yrs did Minister to This Ch and Congregation in Spiritual Things. 'The faithful Memory of The Just Shall Flourish When they turn To Dust.

I have just returned from a walking trip to Mont Blanc which I was intending to ascend, but was obliged to give up the idea, as I had gone too early & there was still snow on it. I find your letter here; if you will be so kind as to forward Slote's letter to the above address I think it will be in time to catch me & in any case I will make arrangements to have it follow me. Yrs Ever S. L. Clemens

Bottle up your metaphors and give us a page of business-like fluency! Here's some paper." After a good deal of discussion the following letter was composed: To Mr J. Thompson Nurseryman. Dr Sir/ Safety of goods guarantd. Unless we hear to contry we shall presume this meets yr views and take action accordly. Yrs etc.

Re-write men "helloed" indignantly into telephones, repeating with sudden listlessness the pregnant details of the news pouring in; and scribbling it down on sheets of paper ... "dead Grant park bullet unknown 26 yrs silk stockings refinement mystery." Idlers lounged and discussed loudly against the dusty windows hung with torn grimy shades.

Yrs affly, James R. Hope-Scott. The Lord Henry Kerr. In a speech at Arundel, January 5, 1869, perhaps the last Mr. Hope-Scott made on a public occasion, he remarked that he did not think the wisest thing had been done in remodelling the constituency by simply numbering heads. By depriving Arundel of its member, a large interest had been left unrepresented that is, the Catholic interest.