United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I expect presently they'll all see that; and gradually you'll get them more and more beautiful machines, till their work is just pleasure and nothing else. And do invent something to prevent Sabina and Nancy and Alice hurting their hands. They have to stop the spindles so often, and it wounds them, and Nancy gets chilblains in the winter, so it's simply horrid for her." "That's right.

They assume to be the cultured of the cultured. Patrons of the arts! Why, man, they have autographed copies of all my books! They and their kind feed me and my kind. They will feed you, sir, or by God you'll starve! But you need have no fear that the crust of genius will be your portion," he added meaningly. "As I remarked the 'Goddess' has her eye upon you."

"For a little while, if you'll give us leave," he answered, but he added to Carford, "No, you needn't move, Carford." So I made my bow and left them, not well pleased, for my brain was on the rack to discover what might be the secret which hung on that mysterious phrase, and which I had so nearly surprised from M. de Fontelles.

When they were back again in the big drawing room Nora gave Molly a wild look. "Come out," she said; "at least out of doors the air is the same as of old." Molly caught up a shawl and wrapped it round her head; but Nora went out just as she was. "You'll catch cold," said English Molly. "I catch cold in my native land!" replied Irish Nora. "How little you know me!

Edwards, when going away, again recurred to his consciousness of senility, and looking full in Johnson's face, said to him, 'You'll find in Dr. Young, "O my coevals! remnants of yourselves." Johnson did not relish this at all; but shook his head with impatience. Edwards walked off, seemingly highly pleased with the honour of having been thus noticed by Dr. Johnson.

"Whenever you find yourself under trying circumstances, or when anger is surging within you, fellows, believe me, you'll always find it wiser to say just what the man on the clubhouse steps said -which was nothing," Dick urged. "And you got us all the way up here, at an appointed time, just to hear that?" demanded Spoff Henderson. "It's worth the time it has cost you," Dick urged.

Amrei did not leave the kitchen until everything had been put back in its proper place; and when she took off her apron it was still as white and unruffled as when she had put it on. "You'll be tired and not able to dance," said the farmer's wife, when Amrei, with a present, finally took her leave. "Why should I be tired?

The attitude of the steerage passengers was dejected and melancholy, but one cluster had gathered around a man who stood upon the hatch. "Oh," he declared, "you'll have no trouble. Canada's a great country for a poor man. He can sleep beneath a bush all summer, if he can't strike anything he likes."

"Since it's ov the first ordher, then," says his Riv'rence, "we'll have the less deffeequilty in reducing it to a simple equation." "You'll have no fractions at my side anyhow," says the Pope. "Faix, I'm afeared," says he, "it's only too aisy ov solution our sum is like to be."

"Where do you want to get away to?" "There. Agaye." He leaned forward. His eyes glittered. "You'd like that?" "I'd like it more than anything on earth." "Then," he said, "some day you'll go there." "No. Don't let's talk about it. I shall never go." "I don't see why not. I don't really see why not." She shook her head. "No. That sort of thing doesn't happen."