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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Oh, I've just been over to Is Sur Tille havin' a look-see at this new instructor that's comin' down here to teach us how to fly." Siddons, with his hand upon the door, wheeled abruptly and studied Yancey's face, trying to discover the jest hidden behind that baffling, masking smile. "Are you joking us?" he demanded from the doorway, but sufficiently convinced to turn back.

The day before the election, he spoke at Montgomery, Yancey's home; that night, he slept at Mobile. If in 1858 he was like Napoleon the afternoon of Marengo, now he was like Napoleon struggling backward in the darkness toward the lost field of Waterloo.

Within two months the States of South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas, in the order named, by formal ordinances of conventions, declared themselves separated from the Union. The recommendation of Yancey's "scarlet letter" had been literally carried out; the Cotton States were precipitated into revolution.

You so mad with that fellow that you won't eat at Yancey's because he does?" he asked. "I'd like to get in there," said Whistler, "without attracting his attention and that of the man with him. I know he's the skipper of that oil boat." "How are you going to do that?" demanded Torry. "They'll spot our blouses and caps in a minute." "That's just it. Wish we didn't have 'em on," grumbled his friend.

Here was an opportunity made to order, and just as McGee was preparing to give the signal, he saw Yancey cut out and dive toward an observation balloon that was being rapidly drawn down by excited winchmen. No use to try to signal Yancey; that wild Texan was off on his joy-ride. Archies and machine gun fire tried vainly to stop Yancey's wild dive.

The four friends from Seacove learned that every enlisted man and apprentice they talked with was assigned to the Kennebunk, and immediately all fraternized. At noon time the bluejackets marched up town in a body to Yancey's and flocked into that eating place like a swarm of hungry locusts.

Just before they reached the restaurant they usually patronized when they were in the town, Whistler uttered an exclamation and held his friends back. "See those two men going into Yancey's Restaurant?" he queried. "What about 'em?" Frenchy asked. "The fellow ahead," said Whistler Morgan deeply in earnest, "is that man Blake. The other I bet is the captain of the Sarah Coville."

As this was written nearly three weeks before Yancey's "Scarlet Letter," its concurrent testimony is of special significance as proof of the chronic conspiracy: "RICHMOND, VA., "May 28, 1858.

To begin with, in this year two of the greatest personalities in the South passed from the political stage: in the summer Yancey died; and in the autumn, Rhett went into retirement. The ever malicious Pollard insists that Yancey's death was due ultimately to a personal encounter with a Senator from Georgia on the floor of the Senate.

Directly in McGee's path, about half way between his plane and Yancey's, a black, formless bulk loomed out of the fog. A sausage! McGee drove hard for it, and noted that he was in a race with Yancey, whose quick eye had sighted it. The black bag was hardly out of the fog bank when tracers from McGee's and Yancey's guns began streaming into it.

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