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He scribbled a few lines on a writing-pad and tossed it across to the detective. "If your friend's innocent," he chuckled, "that'll fetch him to a dead certainty. If he murdered Mackwayte, of course he won't respond. Read it out and let's hear how it sounds!"

There were many Logans, but only one in this particular street. With a blunt pencil attached to a small writing-pad she scribbled down the telephone and house number to have them before her eyes, lest in her frantic excitement she might confuse the two in her mind. These preparations made, the girl's heart quickened as the fateful moment came. The prompt response from Central was heavenly music.

Lauriston gained a general impression of great wealth and luxury, soft carpets, fine pictures, all the belongings of a very rich man's house then he and his companions were ushered into a large room, half study, half library, wherein, at a massive, handsomely carved desk, littered with books and papers, sat a middle-aged, keen-eyed man, who looked quietly up from his writing-pad at his visitors.

He threw an indifferent glance in the direction of his writing-pad, where it lay on the seat in the corner. "Was I?" he answered calmly. "Sometimes there are better things to do than scribbling pleasanter ones, anyway." Diana flushed.

My knitting which I always take about with me, because I think it's only decent for an old lady to knit, not because I can do it well, for I can't; to-day's Western Morning News and yesterday's Times; and my writing-pad, if I should take it into my head to write letters, which I shan't, because, as you know, I think letters are thoroughly vicious.

Miss Gale seated herself, and automatically placed on her knee the shorthand writing-pad ready to take down his instructions. She looked up at him expectantly. Denham, in an embarrassed manner, ran his fingers through his hair. "I am thinking," he began, "of taking a partner. The business is very prosperous now. In fact, it has been so for some time." "Yes?" said Miss Gale interrogatively. "Yes.

He provided himself with a writing-pad, and, when we had seated ourselves and got our pipes well alight, Jervis opened the document, and with a premonitory "hem!" commenced the reading. "In the name of God Amen. This is the last will and testament of me John Bellingham of number 141 Queen Square in the parish of St.

"Kellner!" said the silver-gray, making a grand rattle among the plates and glasses, "some wine! some water! some ink! an omelette! a writing-pad! a filet

The owl can't help being an owl. Ah, there is little red waistcoat singing on the fence. Let us find a worm for the philosopher.... As I sat in the garden just now, with a writing-pad on my knee and my mind ranging the heavens above and the earth beneath in search of a subject, my eye fell on a tragedy in progress at my elbow.

It's none of Roger's business." "Oh, very well," said Miss Gale shortly, bending over her writing-pad. It was evident that her opinion of Denham's wisdom was steadily lowering. Suddenly, she looked up. "How much shall I say the annual profits are? Or do you want that mentioned?" "I I don't think I would mention that.