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He, however, made shift to scramble up its sides, working his toilsome way through thickets of birch, sassafras, and witch-hazel, and sometimes tript up or entangled by the wild grape-vines that twisted their coils or tendrils from tree to tree, and spread a kind of network in his path.

"That there's Injun tobacco. The Injuns always use it, and Granny does, too, sometimes." "A Witch-hazel wand will bob over a hidden spring and show where to dig. Denny Scully is awful good at it. He gets a dollar for showing where to sink a well, an' if they don't strike water it's because they didn't dig where he said, or spiled the charm some way or nuther, and hez to try over.

"Can the mender of waysother people’s wayscome in?" asked a voice at the door. It was Mitchell’s voice, and he came in without waiting for an invitation. "Is it time that I went?" Mrs. Rosscott asked him, anxiously. "Half an hour yet." "Oh, I say Jack," cried Burnett, "let’s boil some water in the witch-hazel pan, and make a rarebit in the poultice pan, and have some tea here."

"Then he was always fond of having me with him, and had always a new name for me, which I liked because he gave it to me, although I could never see its significance. Now I was his witch-hazel, though I never knew what springs I found for him. Now I was his ger-falcon, but could never see what game he loosed me at, although, certainly, no falcon was ever kept more closely hooded.

She gave me a picture-book and a piece of rag, and some witch-hazel in a bottle, and a big piece of cake. When I got out, the boy was just coming up to the fence, and Aunty May wanted to tie up his leg for him, but he wouldn't.

Henry Thoreau's instinct is as sure towards the facts of nature as the witch-hazel towards treasure.

It's of no consequence whatever." "But I don't think you can have noticed how bad it is. Please let me, Mr. Queed. Just a little dab of arnica or witch-hazel " "My forehead does very well as it is, I assure you." Fifi turned reluctantly. "Indeed something on it would make it get well so much faster. I wish you would " Ah! There was a thought.

It was recognized that hanging was an eminently proper method of treatment in the case of a cat of such malevolent character; and as for Monty himself, more than one man openly said that if he made any trouble about the disposal of the cat, he would instantly be strung up to a convenient pine tree which stood close to the witch-hazel bush.

After several earnest discussions of the subject it was resolved that the cat should be hung on a stout witch-hazel bush, growing within a few yards of Simpson's cabin.

Amidon and Ray, the postmaster, on his way home to his dinner, also joined him, and the little barber, smelling strongly of scented soap and witch-hazel. They stood listening interestedly. "Most too many against one," remarked the postmaster. "He don't look scared," said Amidon. "He's Southern, and he's got grit. He's backed up there like the whole Confederacy."