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There was nothing for it but to pay. Wenham and the others told the Major of young men who owed twice as much five times as much as Arthur, and with no means at all to pay. The consultations, and calculations, and opinions, comforted the Major somewhat. After all, he was not to pay.

The commencement of the glacial epoch, as far as Trinidad is concerned, may be safely referred to the discovery of Wenham Lake ice, and the effects thereof sought solely in the human stomach and the increase of Messrs. Haley's well-earned profits. Is it owing to this absence of any ice-action that there are no lakes, not even a tarn, in the northern mountains?

"What was her name?" Tavernake looked up from his plate across the little table, across the bowl of simple flowers which was its sole decoration. "She called herself Mrs. Wenham Garner!" Away like a flash went the new-found peace in the girl's face. She caught at her breath, her fingers gripped the table in front of her.

Wenham had published a paper on aerial locomotion, in which he shows that any imitation by man of the far-extended wings of a bird might be impracticable, the alternative being to arrange the necessary length of wing as a series of aero-planes, a conception far in advance of many theorists of his time.

It was an odd tableau, that, so vividly imprinted upon his memory that it was there before him at this very moment. There was mystery in this woman's eyes, mystery and something else. "I don't seem to have come across anything down here which er particularly attracts Mrs. Mrs. Wenham Gardner," Mr. Dowling went on, taking up a little sheaf of papers from the desk.

Pritchard, with a quick leap forward, seized Wenham around the waist and dragged him away. Elizabeth had fainted; she lay upon the floor, her face the color of marble. "Get some water and throw over her," Pritchard ordered. Tavernake obeyed. He threw open the window and let in a current of air. In a moment or two the woman stirred and raised her head.

His business instincts were aroused. "Do you really mean that this Mrs. Wenham Gardner is not a person of substance?" he inquired. Beatrice shrugged her shoulders. "She is the wife of a man who had the reputation of being very wealthy," she replied. "She has no money of her own, I am sure." "She still lives with her husband, I suppose?" Tavernake asked. Beatrice closed her eyes.

But one never encounters these rarities, and Bungay and Bacon are no longer the innocent and ignorant rivals whom Thackeray drew. They do not give those wonderful parties; Miss Bunnion has become quite conventional; Percy Popjoy has abandoned letters; Mr. Wenham does not toady; Mr. Wagg does not joke any more.

Catherine's, the place was called. There we lived quietly for a time. Sometimes he was better, sometimes worse. The doctor in the village was very kind and came often to see him. He brought a friend from the neighboring town and they agreed that with complete rest Wenham would soon be better. All the time my life was a miserable one. He was not fit to be alone and yet he was a terrible companion.

"Ah, here comes young Wenham, by way of preserving the equilibrium," resumed John Effingham, looking out of a window "I rather think you must have forgotten him, Ned, though you remember his father, beyond question." Mr. Effingham and his cousin went out into the hall to receive the new guest, with whom the latter had become acquainted while superintending the repairs of the Wigwam. Mr.