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Papa gave a start and a shake, and said, with well-feigned vehemence, "Ay, do, my dear," and so composed himself to listen; and Helen sat down and played the quadrilles. The composer had taken immortal melodies, some gay, some sad, and had robbed them of their distinctive character and hashed them till they were all one monotonous rattle. But General Rolleston was little the worse for all this.

Razumihin put in with obvious intention. This was really unbearable. Raskolnikov could not help glancing at him with a flash of vindictive anger in his black eyes, but immediately recollected himself. "You seem to be jeering at me, brother?" he said to him, with a well-feigned irritability.

Then coming forward with well-feigned confusion, she apologized for not having observed him before, saying she was sure he would excuse her if he knew the contents of her letter. Of course he wanted to know, and of course she didn't want to tell. He was too polite to urge her, and the conversation soon took another channel. After a time Lenora left the room, and Mrs.

Montague," Mona said, as she anxiously tried to scan the faces of the passengers, and now noticed for the first time that most of them appeared to be foreigners, and were talking in a strange language. "Can it be possible that I have made a mistake and got into the wrong carriage?" said Louis, with well-feigned surprise. "There were two going to the same hotel, and she must be in the other.

I cried out, caring nothing who heard, that I was M. de Marsac, that I had come back to meet whatever my enemies could allege against me. 'VENTRE SAINT GRIS! Henry exclaimed, starting in his saddle with well-feigned surprise. 'Are you that man? 'I am, sire, I answered. 'Then you must be mad! he retorted, appealing to those behind him. 'Stark, staring mad to show your face here!

He could tell Bob of it later how dad had sent Danny O'Flannigan to the right-about at once. Yes, that was the better way. So Jim schooled himself to hide his exultation, and he listened with well-feigned interest to Bob's animated account of the morning's fire. Two, three, five minutes passed, and Danny O'Flannigan had not come out.

Attick, who still carried his gun in the hollow of his left arm, expressed well-feigned surprise at seeing us. "Big Otter seems to be on the war-path," he said, "but I have seen no enemies." "Big Otter's enemy stands before him," returned our leader, sternly. "Attick has been very foolish. Why did he run away with the daughter of Weeum the Good?" "Attick scorns to run away with a squaw.

But, perhaps, it will be as well that you should finish your proposition, before I make any remarks on the subject." And Lord Kilcullen, sat down, with a well-feigned look of listless indifference. "Well, Kilcullen, I have latterly been thinking much about you, and so has your poor mother. She is very uneasy that you should still still be unmarried; and Jervis has written to me very strongly.

Not a game that he cared for, but still one to be played if his master fancied it. Ben stooped, picked up a stone, and threw it at Dunder, striking him in the flank. "Go on home!" he commanded, sternly. "Go home!" He started toward the dog with a well-feigned gesture of menace. Dunder, with a low howl, put his tail between his legs and loped off home, a disillusioned dog.

He opened the door, and then threw up his hands in well-feigned surprise. "Dere gone!" he exclaimed. "What!" exclaimed the officer in charge of the firing squad. "Impossible!" He brushed the old negro aside and peered into the cell. Then he turned to Uncle Billy and laid his hand on his shoulder. "You are under arrest!" he said. "What fo', sah?" "For aiding the prisoners to escape." "But, but "