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So there the town stretched away, lumber and paper, the usual tinder-box Alaskan construction stores slap up against one another, with no alleyways between; in the busiest part of it and along the water-front even an adequate provision of side streets grudged; furnace-heated and kiln-dried and gasoline-lit; waiting for the careless match and the fanning wind and the five minutes' start that should send it all up in smoke.

And I met others, including the Vigy brothers, who ran the place, and, chiefest of all, Joe Goose, with the wicked eyes, the twisted nose, and the flowered vest, who played the harmonica like a roystering angel and went on the most atrocious tears that even the Oakland water-front could conceive of and admire.

The very instant they were at table Adelaide looked down the alley between the candles, for the low, golden dish of hot-house fruit did not obstruct her view of Vincent, and said: "Why have you never told me about Marty Burke?" "Who's he?" asked Mr. Lanley, quickly, for he had been trying to start a little conversational hare of his own, just to keep the conversation away from the water-front.

In the meanwhile we canna hurry them. Ye will have to give them time." Vane rose. "We'll leave it at that. I've promised to take Mrs. Nairn and Miss Chisholm for a sail." By the time he reached the water-front he had got rid of the slight uneasiness the interview had occasioned him. He found Mrs.

From her decks arose a mighty cheer; and listen the people running down to the water-front replied! So everybody cheered again, Charley swinging his hat and "hooraying" as hard as anybody. So interested had most of the passengers been, that they had omitted to collect their baggage and make the grand rush as at Chagres. But now at the dropping of the anchor the charm was broken.

Nor were Jack Benson and his friends long in vanishing, either. They did not go back at all by the way of the Somerset House. They went down to the water-front by a different route. Yet they were fortunate enough to find a shore boat that put them out on board the "Benson."

I thought the Kurd would knife him, but he refrained. I think I have said, sahib, that the weather was vile. We were glad of our overcoats. As we marched along the winding road downhill we kept catching glimpses of the water-front through driving rain, light after light appearing as the twilight gathered. Nobody noticed us. There seemed to be no one in the streets, and small wonder!

As the Oklahoma steams nearer, the town blossoms into flags; a great murmur increases to a clamour; people come swarming down to the water-front, waving Union Jacks and Stars and Stripes as well What does it all mean? A cannon booms, guns are fired, and as the Oklahoma swings into the bank a band begins to play; a cheer goes up from fifteen thousand throats: "Hurrah for the first steamer!"

"And how's the world been usin' you, Henry?" "It's been using me rough, awful rough," replied Ashbaugh. "I ain't even got the price of a drink." Curry laid a silver coin upon the bar. "Have one with me," said he. "Don't mind if I do," said Ashbaugh, and poured out a stiff libation of water-front whisky.

Above this uproar rose and fell the weird sobbing of a siren and a cannon from the top of a sky-scraper boomed in at solemn intervals. On the roofs were knots of people flashing white signals of Godspeed; when the wind was right, one could catch, very faintly, the sound of their cheering. The flotilla drew around the curving water-front and toward the Gate.