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Without holding to any belief in the supernatural or the teleological, and while adhering to the idea that there has been, and can be, no break in the causal sequence in this world, may one still hold to some form of vitalism, and see in life something more than applied physics and chemistry? Is biology to be interpreted in the same physical and chemical terms as geology?

We have to have a name for the action and reaction of the primary elements upon one another and we call it chemical affinity; we have to have a name for their behavior in building up organic bodies, and we call it vitality or vitalism.

Also, please note, he could decorate a house of pleasure for a cardinal very beautifully with voluptuous pictures of Cupid and Psyche; for this simple sort of Vitalism is always with us, and, like portrait painting, keeps the artist supplied with subject-matter in the intervals between the ages of faith; so that your sceptical Rembrandts and Velasquezs are at least not compelled to paint shop fronts for want of anything else to paint in which they can really believe.

During the three years immediately preceding the war we had excellent examples of all these things. In the first of them we were treated to a somewhat belated utterance in opposition to Vitalism. Its arguments were mostly based upon what even to the tyro in chemistry seemed to be rather shaky foundations.

Along with Virchow, we must name another of the older generation, the physiologist William Preyer, who combatedvitalism,” “dualism,” andmechanismwith equal vehemence, and issued a manifesto, already somewhat solemn and official, againstvital force.” And yet he must undoubtedly be regarded as a vitalist by mechanists and vitalists alike.

The least of living things is so wonderful, the phenomena it exhibits are so fundamentally unlike those of inert matter, that we invent a word for it, vitality; and having got the word, we conceive of a vital force or principle to explain vital phenomena. Hence vitalism a philosophy of living things, more or less current in the world from Aristotle's time down to our own.

The old vitalism, he declared, had been false because it assumed, not a vis, but a spiritus vitalis. The substances in animate and in inanimate bodies have undoubtedly absolutely the same properties.

Here, as also in regard toDarwinism,” which was advanced about the same time, the typical advocate ofcautionwas Rudolf Virchow. His doubts and reservations found utterance very soon after the theory itself had been promulgated. In hisCellular Pathologie,” and in an essay onThe Old Vitalism and the New,” he puts in a word for a vis vitalis.

If vital force itself were to call out from its cells, “Here I am,” they would probably see in it only a remarkable case ofirritability.” Mechanism is no more positive knowledge than vitalism is; it is only the dogmatic faith of the majority of present-day naturalists. Constructive Criticism.

Yet in philosophy, besides the survival of all the official and endowed systems, there has been of late a very interesting fresh movement, largely among the professors themselves, which in its various hues may be called irrationalism, vitalism, pragmatism, or pure empiricism.