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With little chuckles of laughter, she gave instance after instance of the tyranny with which they had lorded it over the country-side in early Victorian days: how the "Madam Vavasour" of those days had pulled the feathers from the village-girls' hats, and turned a family who had offended her, with all their belongings, out into the village street.

"Well, I know they will make you come," said he confidently. "Promise me you won't drive with any other fellow." "No fear of that; I don't suppose any one else will ask me." "Wouldn't they," thought Vavasour. "I know two or three of our fellows are death on driving her." "Cecil," said Bertie, suddenly, "I think you have grown much quieter."

She was following the course of a brook where the grounds widened into a wild, brambly park, and looking over her shoulder she perceived Jack Vavasour some distance off, coming along with rapid strides as if bent on overtaking her. Cecil sauntered slowly on, not ill pleased at the opportunity of an unreserved conversation with Jack.

"You are very unjust; he is a very discerning and agreeable person, and I shall go and talk to him." And away went Valencia to Elsley, somewhat cross. Woman-like, she allowed, for the sake of her sister's honour, no one but herself to depreciate Vavasour, and chose to think it impertinent on Headley's part.

Vavasour Williams, aged twenty-four, late in South Africa, once your pupil in architecture or scene painting or whatever it was gives you as a reference to character, you are to say the best you can of him. And, by the bye, he will be calling to see you very shortly and you could lend further verisimilitude to your story by renewing acquaintance with him. You will find him very much improved.

I had no avowed father, nor had my mother, who likewise was illegitimate. She was probably the daughter of a Lieutenant Warren who was killed in the Crimea, and her mother's name was Vavasour.

"I wish," said Sir Vavasour, "we could manage some modification about out-door relief." "Modification!" said Lord Marney; "why there has been nothing but modification. What we want is stringency." "The people will never bear it," said Egremont; "there must be some change." "You cannot go back to the abuses of the old system," said Captain Grouse, making, as he thought, a safe observation.

John; and the massive gate at which Sir Henry knocked for admittance, seemed an earnest, that the family, who had owned the mansion, had been a powerful and important one. The door was opened, and the servant informed Delme, that Colonel Vavasour was on the terrace. The court yard through which they passed was extensive; and a spring

"Well then there is Mr Tubbe Sweete, a county member, and his son in parliament too I know he has a promise." "I repeat to you, Sir Vavasour, the tories will not make a single peer; the candidates must come to me; and I ask you what can I do for a Tubbe Sweete, the son of a Jamaica cooper? Are there any old families among your twenty members of Brookes'?"

Lord Beaconsfield described, with a brilliancy of touch which was all his own, the labours and the sacrifices of Sir Vavasour Firebrace on behalf of the Order of Baronets and the privileges wrongfully withheld from them.