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Updated: August 15, 2024

And therefore it seemed to the Urchin's curators sound and advisable to take him out to the Zoo one Sunday afternoon just to suggest to his delightful mind that nothing is impossible in this curious world. Of course, the amusing feature of such expeditions is that it is always the adult who is astounded, while the child takes things blandly for granted.

In that flash of time she had passed, and the very liveliness of his interest, combined with the urchin's consecrated awe not to mention his own mortifying remembrance of one or two other-day lapses from the austerities of the old street restrained him from a backward glance until he could cross the way as if to enter the great, white, lately completed court-house.

A very few months after my lord's coming to Castlewood, in the winter time the little boy, being a child in a petticoat, trotting about it happened that little Frank was with his father after dinner, who fell asleep over his wine, heedless of the child, who crawled to the fire; and, as good fortune would have it, Esmond was sent by his mistress for the boy just as the poor little screaming urchin's coat was set on fire by a log; when Esmond, rushing forward, tore the dress off the infant, so that his own hands were burned more than the child's, who was frightened rather than hurt by this accident.

Guelemer seized Gavroche by one arm, set him on the roof of the shanty, whose worm-eaten planks bent beneath the urchin's weight, and handed him the rope which Brujon had knotted together during Montparnasse's absence. The gamin directed his steps towards the flue, which it was easy to enter, thanks to a large crack which touched the roof.

The marquis's little groom, Tom Bois l'Hery, as they call him here, had desired to have a jest with this uncouth creature of an Irishman, who had replied to a bit of Parisian urchin's banter with a terrible Belfast blow of his fist right in the lad's face.

He leaped at the door, swung it open, flung himself inside and then sacrificing speed to silence, went up the stairs like a cat, cramming his mask now into his pocket. His room was on the first landing. In an instant he had unlocked the door, entered, and locked it again behind him. From outside, an excited street urchin's voice shrilled up to him: "He went in that door! I seen him!"

But I suppose if one wants to make money one must expect to give up some comforts." "You're right there," replied Frank. During the week Pep met them twice on the Bowery. He was cleanly washed, had his curly hair brushed, and wore a brand-new suit. In his altered appearance Richard hardly knew him. "Dad's better," was the urchin's reply to the boy's question.

And as if to testify that I was now a visible person a sharp-eyed newsboy discovered me the first human being in Kilburn who had actually seen me and came up with a paper in his hand. "Herald, boss?" I was interested in the shrewd, world-wise, humorous look in the urchin's eyes.

Being somewhat tired he had lain down to rest and fallen sound asleep. On the way home this urchin's sole delight was to lean over the bow and watch the fish and coral groves over which they skimmed. In this he was imitated by Nigel who, ungallantly permitting his companion to row, also leaned over the side and gazed down into the clear crystal depths with unwearying delight.

As good fortune would have it, Esmond was sent by his mistress for the boy, just as the poor little screaming urchin's coat was set on fire by a log. Esmond, rushing forward, tore the dress off, so that his own hands were burned more than the little boy's, who was frightened rather than hurt by the accident.

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