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Cumming insists upon as the proper religious attitude, unmans the nature, and allows no thorough, calm thinking no truly noble, disinterested feeling. Hence, we by no means suspect that the unscrupulosity of statement with which we charge Dr. Cumming, extends beyond the sphere of his theological prejudices; we do not doubt that, religion apart, he appreciates and practices veracity.

It is my cross. Beauty," he closed his sore eyes with a little expression of pain, "beauty unmans me." But Mrs. Cedarquist was not listening. Her eyes were fixed on the artist's luxuriant hair, a thick and glossy mane, that all but covered his coat collar. "Leonine!" she murmured "leonine! Like Samson of old."

We are as innocent as they; we have suffered more; and we deserve our rights, for we have no sin to expiate. Go on, Paul, and forget the sentimental folly that unmans you." Something in her words seemed to sting or wound him. His face darkened, and he put her away, saying briefly, "Let it be so then. In an hour we must go."

"Ada, it is not death I fear; but the thought of losing you almost unmans me," exclaimed Fleetwood. "And even if I felt, which I do not, that my life would be safe, were I again in the pirate's power, I could not yield without fighting, nor would those with me, I am sure.

Dagobert was obliged to tear himself from his wife's arms, and striving to conceal his emotion, he said to his son, in an agitated voice: "Let us go she unmans me. Take care of her, my good Mother Bunch. Agricola come!" The soldier slipped the pistols into the pocket of his great coat, and rushed towards the door, followed by Spoil-sport.

"O Uncle John, what would I not have given to have marched with Roy and Hector behind him? With such a leader I would not turn my back on any foe." "David, you have a far harder fight before you, and a far grander Captain." "Uncle, uncle, if I could see my foe; if I could meet him face to face in a real fight; but he steals into my heart, even by my nostrils, and unmans me, before I am aware."

Those shelves are ranked with the most furious combustibles in the world the brains of men. I can spend a rainy afternoon reading, and my mind works itself up to such a passion and anxiety over mortal problems as almost unmans me. It is terribly nerve-racking. Surround a man with Carlyle, Emerson, Thoreau, Chesterton, Shaw, Nietzsche, and George Ade would you wonder at his getting excited?

"There is no part of the world to which we could go that he would not find us," he muttered, burying his face in his shaking hands. "But we will speak no more about it. It unmans me to think what would happen were " and he stopped short. He had often heard Miss Rogers make allusion to money she could lay her hand on at any moment; but the old basket-maker never believed her.