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Hammond, your magnanimity unmans me; and if your words be true, I feel in your presence like a leper and should lay my lips in the dust, crying, 'Unclean! unclean! For all that I have inflicted on you, I have neither apology nor defence to offer; and I could much better have borne curses from you than words of sympathy and affection.

But let us not tarry too long in the treacherous atmosphere of this Capua- -it bewitches and unmans. Still, they need not be despised. The melody of the C minor portion of the first is very expressive, and the second has in the C sharp minor portion the peculiar Chopinesque flebile dolcezza.

"The eyes are the same, just as they looked that night when I Bah!" recovering himself. "What a fool I am! This new venture unmans me." The pilot did not seem to hear, but his eyes seemed to glow with a green sheen, as the gathering gloom obscured his face. A violent emotion was possessing him. "Boy!" again cried the captain, "you interest me.

As I turned, the play of the flames from across the water struck upon his white face, and I could read thereon a terror that held him motionless. "For Christ's sake, let us go!" he urged, in an agonized whisper, "See what those demons are about to do! I fear not battle, Wayland, as you know; but the scene yonder unmans me." It is hard for me to describe now what then I saw.

I said if they did I'd wring their cussed necks with laughter. 'Why, she says, 'don't you like merriment? 'Yes, I says, 'I like merriment well enough, but the cackle of a vacant mind rattling around in a big farmhouse makes me a fiend, and unmans me, and I gnaw up two or three people a day till I get over it, I says." "Well, what became of Miss McCracken?"

Mary don't cling to me, darling! it it unmans me! and I must be strong strong for your sake and my own" here he gently detached her arms from about his neck "Good-bye, dear! you must you must let me go! God bless you!" As in a dream she felt him put her away from his embrace the cottage door opened and closed he was gone. Vaguely she looked about her.

In addition to this physical suffering was the mental anguish of feeling that these men had resolved upon my death, and thinking of my dear mother and Clara, whose hearts would be broken by my fall. Oh! the thought of them at this moment quite unmans me. I must not reflect. Well, I endeavored with all the faculties of my mind and body to keep awake.

The former ranks as in permanent childhood; the latter, being generally dangerous, must be classed with criminals. A dehumanized brain impairs a citizen's rights because it unmans him, disabling him from duty, even making him dangerous.

The unselfish grandeur of thy soul unmans me completely!" She saw she had conquered. The light of courage was rekindled again in her father's eye, and his lofty brow was lifted once more under the sentiment of dignity and self-devotion that struggled for life in his suffering heart. Lenora looked at him with a heavenly smile, and exclaimed, rapturously,

Madman, look ahead!" and then catching hold of Arthur, hurries him away across the field towards Rugby as hard as they can tear. Had he been by himself, he would have stayed to see it out with the others, but now his heart sinks and all his pluck goes. The idea of being led up to the Doctor with Arthur for bagging fowls quite unmans and takes half the run out of him.