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There's plenty of time before the next cart unloads. Lend a hand here, and let's have 'em all out in the pure air. I hate seeing good trade left down here to spoil in a damp " He laid hold of the nets, and as he gave a drag Hilary felt the meshes gliding over his face, and prepared himself to spring up and make a dash for his liberty.

He tells me to bring the hoss to Morrisville, New Jersey, on the three o'clock train next day. "When I unloads from the express car at Morrisville, there's Mr. Van and a shoffer in the battle-ship. "'Just follow along behind, Blister! says Mr. Van, 'n' drives off slow down the street. "We go through town 'n' out to a big white house, with pillars down the front. Mr.

In 1825 it was all carried on with one single annual caravan of prairie-schooners, and now there are four railroads running through the Rio Grande Valley, and one daily freight train of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe into the town unloads more freight than was taken there in a whole year when the "commerce of the prairies" was at its height!

But now and then he would weep upon the bananas and make oration about the lost cause of liberty and the mule. "'Twas a pleasant sound when the steamer bumped against the pier in New Orleans. Pretty soon we heard the pat-a-pat of hundreds of bare feet, and the Dago gang that unloads the fruit jumped on the deck and down into the hold.

His customers select from his samples a tasteful "set of stones"; and next summer he drives up and unloads the marble, with the names well spelt, and the cherub's head artistically chiselled by the best workmen of Boston.

His drag, finished, the fish are taken out, and thrown into the gourds, which are open at the top, to receive the produce of his labour. These wells being filled, he steers for the shore, unloads, and again returns to the sport. Denhani's Travels in Africa. Sir John Malcolm, in his Sketches of Persia, gives the following interesting anecdotes of these noble creatures:

Canadian papers rarely trouble to chronicle whether a rich man wears the hair shirt of a troubled conscience, or the paper vest of a tight purse. They are not interested in him simply because he is rich. If he loots a franchise and unloads rotten stocks on widows and orphans and teachers and preachers, they call him a thief and send him to jail a convict.

"Look at the doctor's chalk mark on its coat," said Reilly, the desk man. "It's just landed. It must be a kind of a Dago or a Hun or one of them Finns, I guess. That's the kind of truck that Europe unloads onto us." "Think of a thing like that getting in the way and laying John up in hospital and spoiling the best fire team in the city," groaned another fireman.

The countries for which they have dared and suffered have now to play their part. The conscience of to-day is burdened with a load well-nigh unbearable. Each hour of the sacred work unloads a little of this burden.

When the water is no longer fit for breathing, he carries his fruit and water bucket to the wagon. Here he unloads his fruit and refills his bucket from the wagon, proceeding as before. At intervals the wagon must be refilled with water. During a day a few men can gather a large quantity of fruit in this manner, and it can be preserved for over four seasons.