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Still the bulk remained too large, and the youthful editor set to work reducing it still more with a sympathizing concern which the good-natured, but unliterary, publisher failed to understand, and which, alas! proved to be equally unappreciated by the rejected contributors. The book appeared a pretty little volume typographically, and externally a credit to pioneer book-making.

He liked to find out good things and great things for himself; sometimes he would discover these in a masterpiece new to him alone, and then, if you brought his ignorance home to him, he enjoyed it, and enjoyed it the more the more you rubbed it in. Of all the literary men I have known he was the most unliterary in his make and manner.

The next day, in Tuskingum, Richard, Kenton found among the letters of his last mail one which he easily knew to be from his sister Lottie, by the tightly curled-up handwriting, and by the unliterary look of the slanted and huddled address of the envelope: The only doubt he could have felt in opening it was from the unwonted length at which she had written him; Lottie usually practised a laconic brevity in her notes, which were suited to the poverty of her written vocabulary rather than the affluence of her spoken word.

"To be sure he may; a book that nobody will risk publishing, and if so a book that nobody will trouble to read, nowadays." "Why so?" "Because this is an eminently unliterary age, incapable of thought, and therefore seeking to be amused.

I came in for a share of her awe; she had found out that I was not only not Verrian the actor, but an author of the same name, and she had read my story with passionate interest, but apparently in that unliterary way of many people without noticing who wrote it; she seemed to have thought it was Harding Davis or Henry James; she wasn't clear which.

As he himself has hinted, the originality, freshness, and wholesomeness of his writings are probably due in great measure to the unliterary surroundings of his early life, which allowed his mind to form itself on unconventional lines, and to the later companionships with unlettered men, which kept him in touch with the sturdy simplicities of life.

'Perhaps it is an offer, but not of THAT sort, said Bessie, and she explained what the unliterary Admiral had not understood. He answered with a whistle. 'Shall you do it, Bessie? 'I think not, she said quietly.

When, however, this private indulgence was over, Mr. May's face grew dark enough. He pushed his writing away from him, and pulling out a drawer in his writing-table, which was full of papers of a very unliterary aspect, betook himself to the consideration of them, with anything but laughter in his looks, or in his mind.

They charge us, in their unimaginable stupidity, with failing to appreciate our lines, especially when they are Shakespeare's with being unliterary. You might good Heavens! as well accuse a painter of not being a musician! Our business lies behind the words they are our mere medium! Rosalind wasn't literary why should I be?

The letters of Catherine Benincasa, commonly known as St. Catherine of Siena, have become an Italian classic; yet perhaps the first thing in them to strike a reader is their unliterary character. He only will value them who cares to overhear the impetuous outpourings of the heart and mind of an unlettered daughter of the people, who was also, as it happened, a genius and a saint.