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No doubt it was with the intention of obtaining ours, thus reaping the harvest of unfurrowed fields, that these natives were induced to make so murderous an attack upon us. We neither saw nor heard anything more of our sable enemies, and on the 18th we departed out of their coasts. This watering place, Ularring, is situated in latitude 29 degrees 35', and longitude 120 degrees 31' 4".

Her complexion, too, owing to her careful diet, her hours of repose, and her knowledge of skin foods and lotions, remained smooth, fair and unfurrowed. But the long-guarded expression in her blue eyes of childlike innocence had given place to the hard look of a selfish and unhappy nature, and the lines about the small mouth accented the expression of the eyes.

The world's rude waves had not begun Across our path to sweep, We never save from happiness Had cause to sigh or weep. But many weary years have passed Since that bright April eve, And you have learned since then to weep, And I have learned to grieve; And on thy brow, unfurrowed then, Time, and his sister, Care, Have set their wrinkled seal, and strewed Their silver in thy hair.

There is no side of the intellect which it does not call into play, no region of human knowledge into which either its roots, or its branches, do not extend; like the Atlantic between the Old and the New Worlds, its waves wash the shores of the two worlds of matter and of mind; its tributary streams flow from both; through its waters, as yet unfurrowed by the keel of any Columbus, lies the road, if such there be, from the one to the other; far away from that North-west Passage of mere speculation, in which so many brave souls have been hopelessly frozen up.

Charlton stepped out on the piazza with his microscope in his hand and stopped a moment to take in the scene the rawness and newness and flimsiness of the mushroom village, with its hundred unpainted bass-wood houses, the sweetness, peacefulness, and freshness of the unfurrowed prairie beyond, the calmness and immutability of the clear, star-lit sky above when he heard a voice round the corner of the building that put out his eyes and opened his ears, if I may so speak.

"He is under charge without." The Admiral put to his lips a golden whistle, and presently there stood in the cabin a slight man of not unpleasing countenance blue eyes, brown hair, unfurrowed brow, and beneath a scant and silky beard a chin as softly rounded as a woman's. His name and estate? Francis Sark, gentleman. English? So born and bred, cousin and sometime servant to my lord of Shrewsbury.

A pale twinkling blueness sifts over distant vistas. The sky whitens in the south and points of light leap up to the eye as the wind turns a loaded branch. A certain seriousness of demeanour is noticeable on the generally unfurrowed brows of student friends. Midyears are on and one sees them walking, freighted with precious and perishable erudition, toward the halls of trial.

The noble bust, the sloping shoulders, the graceful neck, the dark eyes and black ringlets were all there; but her face? Her face was like her mother's; a youthful unfurrowed likeness: the same low brow, the same high features, the same pride.

Such young unfurrowed souls roll to meet each other like two velvet peaches that touch softly and are at rest; they mingle as easily as two brooklets that ask for nothing but to entwine themselves and ripple with ever-interlacing curves in the leafiest hiding-places.

His long beard and mustache hid his mouth, and there were deep lines from his nose downward that might have been marked by years. Yet his brow was high and wide and unfurrowed, and his hair was abundant and his eyebrows dark and high.