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Updated: August 28, 2024

Another search was made, but the gold watch and chain were not found, nor were any clues concerning the timepiece unearthed. "What were the watch and chain worth?" asked Fred. "I don't know; maybe fifty or sixty dollars," answered Jack. "Then if they were stolen, the thief made quite a haul." "Do you think they were stolen, Century?" demanded the owner of the school.

Several cist-vaens, or ancient stone coffins, have been found near the town, and a broken Roman altar was unearthed in the neighbourhood. The monastery which stood here, like that on Holy Island, was, in later times, inhabited by Benedictine monks, who were under the authority of the Prior of Tynemouth. William the Conqueror gave the then Prior the right to collect the tithes of the little town.

There were plenty of passengers on board, and no one felt inclined for bed; it was so warm, so beautiful on deck. Some artists, on their way home from Paris or Munich, cast about for amusements to pass the time; some ordered wine, others had unearthed a concertina, and very soon, no one knew how, a dance was in full swing.

But not another teaspoon did they find. Meantime, however, somebody as understood such things explained to young Drake that the stuff unearthed was not pewter, nor yet Britannia metal neither, but old Sheffield plate, and worth plenty of good money at that.

The officious chowkidar unearthed two punkah coolies for the occasion: and the planning of their future home, a picnic tea served on Eldred's writing-table, and practical considerations in respect of furniture and house linen though Quita had small inherent regard for either! helped, more or less, to obscure the thought of separation.

"Home, I suppose, where I was going when you met me. I told you I could only walk to the turn." "Home? No, you don't!" expostulated half a dozen laughing voices; "we 've unearthed the would-be hermit, and we mean to keep him." "Can't go with you to-night, boys, worse luck!" repeated the second speaker.

Munro next describes the disputed things found at Dumbuck. They were analogous to those alleged to have been unearthed at Dunbuie. They were "A number of strange objects like spear-heads or daggers, showing more or less workmanship, and variously ornamented. The stem is perforated with two holes, in one of which there was a portion of an oak pin.

Here and there, on some of the most prominent peaks, we could distinguish little mounds of earth, the ruined watch-towers of the prehistoric Hittites. Arrowheads and other relics are every day unearthed there, to serve as toys for the street urchins.

I fancy the professor is more interested in that aspect of it. But he's written a wonderful story, telling how he happened to come across the ancient manuscripts in the tomb of some old Indian whose mummy he unearthed on a trip to Central America.

"As you see," she commenced, in a high, shrill voice "the bracelet has been unearthed and the thief discovered. I shall not prolong this painful scene a moment longer than is absolutely necessary. Suffice it to say, the girl I have befriended has robbed me. "The bracelet was found by the detective in the little hair trunk of Jessie Bain. You will all please leave the room, all save Miss Bain."

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