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He wint clear daft, an' thried to sthruggle to his feet; an', th' more he thried, th' more th' skates wint fr'm undher him, till he looked f'r all th' wurruld like wan iv thim little squirrels that goes roun' on th' wheel in Schneider's burrud store.

"I'm a civilian now," said Mulvaney. "Cud you tell that I was iver a martial man'? Don't answer, Sorr, av you're strainin' betune a complimint an' a lie. There's no houldin' Dinah Shadd now she's got a house av her own. Go inside, an' dhrink tay out av chiny in the drrrrawin'-room, an' thin we'll dhrink like Christians undher the tree here. Scutt, ye naygur-folk!

"It's not my sowl," says he, sittin' down opossite my father; "it's not my sowl that's annoyin' me most I'm unasy on my right leg," says he, "that I bruk at Glenvarloch cover the day I killed black Barney." 'My father found out afther, it was a favourite horse that fell undher him, afther leapin' the big fence that runs along by the glin.

He took it home undher his ar-rm in th' rain an' th' next mornin' most iv th' flower-pot was on his new overcoat an' th' rest was meltin' all over th' flure. "That was the beginnin' iv th' end iv th' frindship between th' two gr-reat nations that owe thimselves so much. About th' time Hogan got th' flower-pot, th' fire-sale ads an' th' Rooshyan outrage news both stopped in th' newspa-apers.

"Stop, you cowardly robber!" she exclaimed; "would you bring down the curse and the vengeance of God upon both of us. We have enough and too much to answer for, let alone to rob the ould an' the poor." "Be aisy now," said he, "I'll make the search; sure I'm undher the scoundrel Whitecraft's protection."

"But, faith, whin I'd been here a week, I seen that there was nawthin' but mud undher th' pavement, I larned that be means iv a pick-axe at tin shillin's th' day, an' that, though there was plenty iv goold, thim that had it were froze to it; an' I come west, still lookin' f'r mines. Th' on'y mine I sthruck at Pittsburgh was a hole f'r sewer pipe. I made it. Siven shillin's th' day.

Me heart bleeds fr th' poor fellows, steamin' away undher th' majestic tin dome iv th' capitol thryin' to rejooce th' tariff to a weight where it can stand on th' same platform with me frind big Bill without endangerin' his life. Th' likes iv ye wud want to see th' tariff rejooced with a jack plane or an ice pick.

"Work, is it? Sure, an' it's all the loikes of ye are iver good for. It 's not brains ye have at all, or ye 'd take it a bit aisier. Oi had a haythen Swade foreman oncet over at the 'Last Chance. God forgive me for workin' undher the loikes of him. Sure he near worked me to death, he did that, the ignorant furriner.

He never did hurt or harm to the child unborn." Fardorougha's keen gray eye rested sharply upon them for a moment; it then turned to Honor, afterwards to Connor, and again gleamed bitterly at the intruders "What is this?" said he, starting up; "what is this? you don't mane to rob us?" "I think," said the son, "you must be undher a mistake; you surely can have no business with me.

"'Gentlemen, he proceeded, 'have a little patience I say the pope is a glorious and pious sight "'Undher God "'Silence Bob. "'But I mean when he's in the pillory ek; d n my honor, I have you all there! ha, ha, ha! "'Hurra, hurra, three cheers more for the captain!