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Black roads lead from blackness past blackness to blackness; and along them trudge black, savage-looking men and women; and by them black, old-looking children play grim, unchildish games. When the sun shines on this black land, it glitters black and hard; and when the rain falls a black mist rises towards heaven, like the hopeless prayer of a hopeless soul.

The boy gulped the milk and swore joyously, gripping the cup with shaking fingers. "Hush!" cried Elnora. "That's dreadful!" "What's dreadful?" "To say such awful words." "Huh! pa says worser 'an that every breath he draws." Elnora saw that the child was older than she had thought. He might have been forty judging by his hard, unchildish expression. "Do you want to be like your father?"

"But but I mean you know " Lady Anstruthers turned helplessly to the boy. Bettina was struck with the painful truth that she looked even silly as she turned to him. "Ughtred tell her," she ended, and hung her head. Ughtred had got down at once from his seat and limped forward. His unprepossessing face looked as if he pulled his childishness together with an unchildish effort.

It was a nice face, Magda decided, with a dogged, squarish jaw that appealed to a certain tenacity of spirit which was one of her own unchildish characteristics, and the keen dark-grey eyes she encountered were so unlike the cold light-grey of her father's that it seemed ridiculous the English language could only supply the one word "grey" to describe things that were so totally dissimilar.

My curiosity was excited, and though I felt an involuntary disgust towards the young Jew, I repeatedly conversed with him. "You are very rich, Nick," I said to him one day, on his making an ostentatious display of change, as he called it; he sneered with a most unchildish expression of countenance, and replied, "I guess 'twould be a bad job for I, if that was all I'd got to shew."

Even with her he could be obstinate and cruel cruel because she was so much less than his mother had become and there were times when, with a queer unchildish power of self-visualization, he saw himself as a small fair-haired monster growing black and blacker with the dark and evil spirit that was in him. But Christine never seemed to see him like that.

Mary, who knew no more of the capable charwoman than Walter Gray did, looked on this speech of her father's as a mere string of tender subterfuges. She said nothing, but her eyes rested on her grey woollen skirt, faded by wear and the weather, and she had an unchildish sense of the incongruity of her presence as a visitor in Lady Anne's house. Walter Gray's glance roamed over his young daughter.

John Leech used the caricature of a baby for the purposes of a scorn that was not angry, but familiar. It is true that the poor child had first been burlesqued by the unchildish aspect imposed upon him by his dress, which presented him, without the beauties of art or nature, to all the unnatural ironies.

The man looked indifferently to where a tiny boy trotted at his mother's heels, solemn, old-faced, unchildish. He laughed a little. "That thar chap is the oldest feller in the mills," he said. "That's Benny Tarbox. He's too short to tend a frame, but his maw lets him help her at the loom every weaver has obliged to have helpers wait on 'em. You'll get used to it." Get used to it!

She stepped close, and the horse nosed her shoulder affectionately. She said: "Isn't there anything that will keep you from going?" "It's just a little ride before breakfast. I'll be back in an hour." It was foolish to try to blind her, as he saw by her wan, unchildish smile. "Is there no other way, Pierre?" "I don't know of any, do you?" "You have to leave us, and never come back?"