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Updated: August 19, 2024

"This has decided me. We shall decamp sans tambou ni trompette. But, until we are fairly on the Road, I shall not even let these ladies know whither we are bound. "Unless, therefore, you should hear to the contrary, you will know that on Tuesday your three unprotected female relatives will be hoping to see your travelling carriage arrive to fetch them at the Crown in Lancaster.

That persistent blowing of the "trompette" of grandpapa would likewise be voted "fatiguant." "Grandpapa! A plague upon their grandpapa!" It needed the smaller town, the more limited age, the greater intimacy of life, to make Pepys's Diary the vivid human narrative that it has been for so many years.

Whiche sometime thei sing, and sometyme recite without note: that so they mighte learne to confourme their liues vnto theirs, whose praises thei sieme themselues to allowe. To this lesson assemble thei alwaie together, at the calle of a Trompette. And as thei growe into yeres, an accompt is required of them how well thei haue borne awaie the lessons of their childhode.

Soissons, who might formerly have received the lieutenancy-general of the kingdom by sacrificing the lilies on his wife's gown, now disputed for that office with his elder brother Conti, the Prince claiming it by right of seniority, the Count denouncing Conti as deaf, dumb, and imbecile, till they drew poniards on each other in the very presence of the Queen; while Conde on one occasion, having been refused the citadels which he claimed, Blaye and Chateau Trompette, threw his cloak over his nose and put on his hat while the Queen was speaking, and left the council in a fury, declaring that Villeroy and the chancellor were traitors, and that he would have them both soundly cudgelled.

I never once closed my eyes during the night dressed early the next morning, walked about, looked at Château Trompette and the Roman ruins thought the hour of ten would never strike, and when it did, I struck the same moment at her door.

The latter never looked so lovely; and to the natural loveliness of her person was added a grace and a polish which gave a lustre to her charms, which almost served Emily as I had served the footman I never once closed my eyes during the night dressed early the next morning, walked about, looked at Chateau Trompette and the Roman ruins thought the hour of ten would never strike, and when it did, I struck the same moment at her door.

M. Lemoine writes: "Classical music was so little known to the musical public that even the audiences of La Trompette, cultured as they were, did not at all understand Beethoven's last quartettes; and my friends jeered at my taste for enigmas. This only made me the more determined that they should hear one of these great works at each concert.

Her maiden name was Fumel, an ancient family in Guienne, and M. de Fumel, her father, was governor of the chateau Trompette at Bordeaux. This marriage had at first encountered many difficulties from the deadly hatred which existed in the chateau against us. Comte Jean, perceiving that things were going against us, applied to the king himself for assistance in the affair.

But being a man of a certain intelligence, passably honest, and reasonably painstaking, probably he produced reviews sufficiently useful and just to answer their purpose. On the new system we should have an article on General Hamley's work by Sir Garnet Wolseley, and one on the cookery-book from M. Trompette. It is not certain that this is all pure gain.

I saw several poor fellows picked up who appeared literally frozen. The Journal Officiel of to-day contains a letter from Monseigneur Bauer, protesting against the Prussians having shot at him when he went forward with a flag of truce and a trompette. The fact is vouched for by, among others, a journalist who remained during the night of Friday outside the walls.

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