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What one would rather be without, though, is that tropical tinting known as the "prickly heat," which now begins to get troublesome; for, like boils, its spots generally select those parts of the epidermis where they are likely to become of the greatest nuisance, making the friction of garments almost intolerable; but there, one can't have everything.

She had expected him; there was not breathing-space for conventionality between these two. In one part of the garden sat an artist at his easel; by his side a lady somewhat his senior, but of the type of face and figure that never really grows old, or looks it. She was embroidering flowers from nature, tinting them to the life, and rivaling her companion in artistic effects.

"Do you!" said I. "Ah, Miss Clyde! `Love me, love my dog." "What nonsense, Mr Lorton!" she said, with a warm blush tinting her cheek. "But, I declare you haven't wished me the compliments of the season yet. How very ungallant you are! I will set you an example a merry Christmas, Mr Lorton!" "A thousand to you, Miss Clyde; and each happier than the last!" I said.

Youth is the dream time of life. It views the world through the prism of fancy, tinting all with rainbow colors. It lives in a creation of its own, where it rules with magic wand, conjuring into its realm the beautiful, the heroic and the magnificent, and banishing only the prosaic and commonplace.

I'm not a big bird, either. I am only the son of the courthouse guard, and noncommissioned officer, Matvey Yozhov!" "Why does he say that?" thought Foma. "What difference does it make whose son a man is? A man is not respected on account of his father, but for his brains." The sun was setting like a huge bonfire in the sky, tinting the clouds with hues of gold and of blood.

You can let me have a divorce; you will have lost nothing; I shall have been saved everything. Will you many me, Mark King?" "Gloria!" King was calling. "Will you come down now? Everything's ready." "Coming," answered Gloria. "Right away." She glanced in her glass as she went out; the colour which had played hide-and-seek all day was again tinting her cheeks a delicate rose.

In dread of her mother's comments, should she betray the feeling expected of her, she set herself to maintain an unruffled calm of demeanour, whatever happened. Autumn was tinting the woods when Beth packed up.

"Never you fret," said Peace, nodding her head sagely. "Let her wash! We've got someone to take it who can sing lots prettier than she ever thought of doing." "Not Mildred " "No, Mildred's got her own part, but " There was a sudden movement in the invalid's chair, and the lame girl sat up with a most becoming blush tinting the waxen cheeks. "Can you keep a secret, children?" she asked.

The most beautiful aspects under which Venus has been painted or sculptured have been connected with bathing; and indeed there is perhaps no one thing that so equally contributes to the three graces of health, beauty, and good temper; to health, in putting the body into its best state; to beauty, in clearing and tinting the skin; and to good temper, in rescuing the spirits from the irritability occasioned by those formidable personages, "the nerves," which nothing else allays in so quick and entire a manner.

Soft, wet and tender, with a faint green filming the sodden pasture field, and a rose-pink veil covering the maples, and blue-grey catkins tinting the dark alders, spring had come to the lonely little clearing in the backwoods.