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He received us beneath the portico of the Theatre Royale, built after the model of the Odeon in Paris. Two waspish rapid-fire guns stood just within the shelter of the columns, with their black snouts pointing this way and that to command the sweep of the three-cornered Place du Theatre. A company of soldiers was quartered in the theater itself.

The newcomer threw his reins to the stable-boy a person of all the importance necessary to receive so indifferent a guest. He got down nimbly from his horse, produced an enormous handkerchief of many colors, and removed his three-cornered hat that he might the better mop his brow and youthful, almost cherubic face. What time he did so, a pair of bright little blue eyes were very busy with Mr.

It seems incredible, but there was a bank clerk in a gray coat, a three-cornered hat upon his head and a brass buckler on his arm, who sacrificed to Venus in the interval between his two occupations, dancing with the coryphées; a dancer by night and a receiver of money by day. A girl was rehearsing beside him, in black bands and skirt. Then Molina, astonished, inquired who she might be.

Daley stood trembling against the wall, bearing the marks of serious injury upon his face and eyes. "At it again, Daley? Ah! I thought you had left off them tricks!" said the jailer. Daley began to tell a three-cornered story, and to give as many possible excuses, with equally as many characteristic bulls in them. "I don't want to hear your story, Daley," said Mr. Grimshaw. "But, Mr.

Jewett thought I had better put on this, but it is my very best gown." The artless sincerity and the soft sweet voice quite nonplused Aunt Priscilla. Then Warren returned and dropped on a three-cornered stool standing there, and almost tilted over. "Now, if I had gone into the fire, like any other green log, how I should have sizzled!" he said laughingly.

And there you are, Toandoah, with that queer Indian triangle having the teeth of a saw, the emblem of invention." "What! That funny, squat figure, with something like a three-cornered fool's-cap on my head and the moon above it, looking through a tube!"

There he would sit, silent, unresponsive; then, at the first stroke of nine o'clock, he would rise, shoulder his ungainly person into his overcoat, twist his head into his three-cornered hat, and with a "Good night, Sally, I be going now," would take his departure, shutting the door carefully to behind him.

After he had returned to the sacristy, he divested himself quickly of his sacerdotal robes, reached his room by a passage of communication, breakfasted hurriedly, and putting on his three-cornered hat, and seizing his knotty, cherry-wood cane, he shot out of doors as if he had been summoned to a fire.

Scraping away the dry leaves under a beech tree, Mother Bruin disclosed a few of the little three-cornered nuts, moldy from their long contact with the earth but, nevertheless, acceptable food for a bear. A little farther on she dug for roots in the soft mud at the edge of a swamp, now vocal with the spring call of the hylas.

The city was full of officers on half-pay, who dared not remain in Paris, lieutenants, captains, commandants, and colonels of infantry and cavalry, men who lived on a crust of bread and a glass of wine a day, and who were the more miserable because they were forced to keep up an appearance think of such men with their hollow cheeks and their hair closely cropped, with sparkling eyes and their big mustaches and their old uniform cloaks, of which they had been forced to change the buttons, see them promenading by threes and sixes and tens on the square, with their sword-canes at their button-holes, and their three-cornered hats so old and worn, though still well brushed; you could not help thinking that they had not one quarter enough to eat.