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From the end of August the Paris agitators, who managed the mob in the interest of a dynastic change directed a sustained pressure against Versailles. Thouret, one of the foremost lawyers in the Assembly, who was elected President on August 1, refused the honour. He had been warned of his unpopularity, and gave way to threats.

The ancient town-hall, which was built in the year 1608, was situated at the corner of the rue Thouret and the rue de la Grosse-Horloge, and near the tower of the belfry; the only portion of this building which remains, is that which faces the rue Thouret. This edifice having fallen into ruin, it was decided that a new town-hall should be erected.

Coming towards me was a man covered with mud to the neck, his cravat hanging down, and his hat battered. I recognized my excellent friend Antony Thouret. Thouret is an ardent Republican. He had been walking and speech-making since early morning, going from quarter to quarter and from group to group. "Tell me, now, what you really want?" said I. "Is it the Republic?"

Antony Thouret opened a window and leaned out. Several Representatives joined him. The soldiers who were bivouacking below on the pavement, caught sight of them and began to shout, "Ah! there they are, those rascals at 'twenty-five francs a day, who wish to cut down our pay!"

While the question of the presidency was being raised Louis Bonaparte absented himself from the Assembly. When the Antony Thouret amendment, excluding members of the royal and imperial families was being debated, however, he reappeared.

Again, during one of these pauses another voice exclaimed, "Romieu will be a senator." Emile Péan asked, "What will become of the Red Spectre?" "He will enter the priesthood," answered Antony Thouret, "and will turn into the Black Spectre." Other exclamations which the historians of the Second of December have spread abroad were not uttered.

Pascal Duprat replaced at the top of the decrees the words, "République Française," which had been forgotten. From time to time men who were not speaking on the subject of the moment mentioned this strange word, "Dupin," open which there ensued shouts of derision and bursts of laughter. "Utter the name of that coward no more," cried Antony Thouret.

The decorations are the same on both. In 1705, the Cour des Aides was united to the Cour des Comptes, under the name Cour de Comptes, Aides et Finances de Rouen. The present edifice has nevertheless always retained the name of Bureau des Finances. Ancient town hall, rue de la Grosse-Horloge and rue Thouret. Sculptured wooden houses, Grande-Rue, no 115 and 129. House, rue aux Juifs, no 47 and 49.

"DE MORNY, Minister of the Interior." There was besides a list of the "provisionally exiled," on which figured Edward Quinet, Victor Chauffour, General Laidet, Pascal Duprat, Versigny, Antony Thouret, Thiers, Girardin, and Rémusat. Four Representatives, Mathé, Greppo, Marc-Dufraisse, and Richardet, were added to the list of the "expelled."

In fact, on the preceding evening, the police had spread this calumny through the barracks that a proposition had been placed on the Tribune to lessen the pay of the troops. They had even gone so far as to name the author of this proposition. Antony Thouret attempted to undeceive the soldiers. An officer cried out to him, "It is one of your party who made the proposal. It is Lamennais!"