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The work of his foster-brother, the artisan, has certainly been well done. The structures we have been traversing are, in their way, works of art very worthy, if not the choicest conceivable, blossoms of our century-plant. For fitness, the quality that underlies beauty throughout Nature from the plume to the tendril and the petal, they have not been surpassed in their kind.

I repeatedly changed the position of my plants, and some little time after the revolving movement had ceased, the successively formed tendrils always ended by pointing to the darkest side. When I placed a thick post near a tendril, between it and the light, the tendril pointed in that direction.

Let us never be pilfered of that which it is our privilege to give!" A tendril drops from the creeper above us and caresses our faces.... How delightful life is at this moment! The air is filled with rejoicing, with the murmur of an infinite happiness! A tremulous haze hovers over the fields, the insatiate doves reiterate their glad refrain.

Instantly the player who personated Agave seized the bloody trophy, and placing it on his thyrsus instead of the one he was carrying, paraded it before the delighted spectators, while he chanted the well-known lines: From the mountain to the hall New-cut tendril, see, we bring Blessed prey!

Directly opposite the dusty, unmade street, she could see her parents' home standing unprotected except for one sapling maple, the sun already pressing against the drawn shades. There was a slight breeze through this morning that turned the sapling leaves and even lifted the little twist of tendril at the nape of Lilly's neck.

The branches are, however, so strong, and the masses of stone hewn into leafage so large, that, notwithstanding the depth of the undercutting, the work remains nearly uninjured; not so at the Vine angle, where the natural delicacy of the vine-leaf and tendril having tempted the sculptor to greater effort, he has passed the proper limits of his art, and cut the upper stems so delicately that half of them have been broken away by the casualties to which the situation of the sculpture necessarily exposes it.

The first of these was evidently the work of the carver; the next looked curious; the third was unmistakable ivy; and just beyond it a tendril of clematis had twined itself about the gilt handle of one of the drawers. Hearing next a slight motion above me, I looked up, and saw that the branches and leaves designed upon the curtains of my bed were slightly in motion.

He considered her intently and in silence for a time, marking her heightened color, the haughty poise of her head, the firm set of her lips. "To my knowledge, I never saw you before in my life," he remarked at last. "What, may I ask, is your particular reason for declining my services?" She was dumb for a little, while she tucked back a stray tendril of hair.

Briefly, the theory is this: the beginnings of leaf, petal, tendril, etc., are the same. At an early stage of their growth it is impossible to tell what they are to become. They develop into the organ needed for the particular work required of them to do.

My son found one very young tendril surmounted by traces of floral organs, exactly like those on the summit of the true flower-peduncle at the same early age. Passiflora gracilis. This well-named, elegant, annual species differs from the other members of the group observed by me, in the young internodes having the power of revolving.