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But do not suppose that all this while I was supinely and tamely acquiescing in the fate that awaited me. Far from it.

He said the motion tended directly towards the establishment of an army in Great Britain, which he hoped would never be so far germanized as tamely to submit to a military government. He observed, that the nation could have no occasion for all the troops that were demanded, considering the glorious scene of affairs which was now opened to all Europe.

But Billy did not fail her. Awkwardly, but with wonderful understanding, he put his arms around her, and whispered: "I just wisht, Joyce, I was God for a minute and it would all be right or I'd be " "Billy!" "I'd be gol-swizzled," Billy tamely ended. He could not master details. He only knew something had happened.

Officers of intelligence were less liable to submit tamely to these indignities than were the men, who had been schooled to obey orders, and could and did, command more respect; besides, there were less of us, and our prison was more roomy and better kept.

Humboldt says, 'The lava, broken into sharp pieces, leaves hollows in which we risked falling up to our waists. Von Buch mentions 'the sharp edges of glassy obsidian, as dangerous as the blades of knives. Wilde tamely paints the scene as a 'magnified rough-cast. Prof. Piazzi Smyth is, as usual, exact, but he suggests more difficulty than the traveller finds.

On the left the ledges rose almost sheer for a thousand feet, and from the edge of this cliff ore-buckets, a-slide on invisible cables, appeared in the sky, swooping like eagles, silently dropping one by one, to disappear, tamely as doves, in the gable end of a huge, drab-colored mill which stood upon the flat beside the stream.

Morley, acting on the official view, urged that the Bill might be passed and this other question dealt with separately, but the Irish refused to be pacified, they went to a division, and with the aid of the Radicals they managed to defeat the Government by nine votes. They celebrated the event by a hearty cheer. The penultimate week in August went on wearily, tamely, and monotonously.

"What right have you to look down on one of the greatest weapons of the day? and why is a writer to submit to scoffs and insults and tamely to hear his profession reviled? I have chosen to write the message that has been given me, and I don't regret the choice. Should I have shown greater spirit if I had sold my freedom and right of judgment to be one of the national killing machines?"

He would not tamely submit; he would cast his father off, would go forth and speedily carve a brilliant career. He would show his father that, even if the training of a gentleman develops tastes above the coarseness of commerce, it also develops the mental superiority that makes fleeing chaff of the obstacles to fame and wealth.

Would you have me tamely sit down and flatter our infamous betrayer; and to avoid a prison continually suffer the more galling bonds of mental confinement! No, never. If we are to be taken from this abode, only let us hold to the right, and wherever we are thrown, we can still retire to a charming apartment, when we can look round our own hearts with intrepidity and with pleasure!