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"W-w-w-wo-would it?" The voice came from beneath the white lilac bush, but it seemed to come from the earth, and Katharine, at the just opened sitting-room chamber window, saw the whole affair, and laughed aloud. Her laughter startled the intruder as much as he had startled Moses, and he came out of hiding, demanding: "W-w-who's t-t-that? Aunt Eu-Eu-Eu-Eunice got comp-p-pany?" "Yes.

When a crow, that had been watching their coming with suspicious eye, gave a series of harsh caws, and flapping his wings, took flight, Andy caught hold of Bluff's sleeve, and gave it a tug. "Q-q-quit t-t-that!" exclaimed Bluff, in a shrill whisper. "G-g-guess I'm k-k-keyed up enough, without m-m-akin' me j-j-jump out of my s-s-skin!"

Yet it is perhaps equally certain that outside of Saumur the goodman would have cut a very sorry figure. Possibly there are minds like certain animals which cease to breed when transplanted from the climates in which they are born. "M-m-mon-sieur le p-p-president, you said t-t-that b-b-bankruptcy "

"Gee!" cried Pepper. "T-t-that would be fine. Let's do it " "There's quite a lot of things we have to do first," went on Jack. "Maybe Rand can tell you more about that part than I can." "For the first thing," said Rand, "we have to get at least six boys to start with." "That's two more than us," interjected Pepper; "that's easy." "And form a tenderfoot patrol," went on Rand.

I saw you if you d-d-didn't see me. What is t-t-that?" Katharine coolly sat down upon the casket and thus effectually screened it from view. "I thought you were sick, or or shut up. Aunt Eunice went to see if you needed nursing." Montgomery sat down beside her. The small boulder upon which she had placed the box was round, and it was difficult to maintain one's position upon it without slipping.

Said Rae is about forty years old, stoutly built, and five feet eight inches in height. Has smooth face, red hair, and walks with a limp. James Robinson, Sheriff." "W-w-why, t-t-that must be M-M-Monkey Rae's father," stammered Pepper when Jack had finished reading. "I knew he was away somewhere, but I didn't know he was in prison."

"Huh!" grunted Toby, rubbing his head ruefully as he came up, and limping in the bargain, "t-t-that was him, all r-r-right then, Obed. I don't know the f-f-fellow's n-n-name, but I've g-g-got his trade-mark on my c-c-cheek, every k-k-knuckle of his fist. Huh! he's an athlete, every time!" "But don't tell me our prisoner skipped out!" cried Steve, in sore dismay.