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Updated: August 16, 2024

So, also, was M'riar, who stood gaping at the spectacle of her Miss Anna's grief with wide, fear-stricken eyes. "Cawn't Hi do nothink for 'er, sir?" she said, approaching timidly. For the first time in his life he spoke almost harshly to the child, in his excitement. "No," he said emphatically. "You will only stand and say 'My heye! Hi sye! Hi sye! My heye! You can do nothing.

Soon more than one red-headed Jew had learned, in self-defense, to take out the stick which held up one end of his cart, and move along, at sight of her. Too often she had been the symbol of financial loss. Her "Hi sye!" and "My heye!" became the keen delight of German maidens back of counters over which cheap delicatessen was distributed. Beyond a doubt M'riar was in her element.

Talk English like this: 'Throw up your 'ands! 'Ear me?" Anita swerved swiftly and went to her feet. Harry looked up at her wildly, his mustache bristling like the spines of a porcupine. "Did you 'ear 'im sye it?" he asked. "No? Sye it again!" "Throw up your 'ands!" came the answer of the beaten man on the ground. Anita ran forward. "It's a good deal like it," she answered.

Sheerness lay abeam, five miles or more. Ahead the northeast headland of the Isle of Sheppey was bulking large and near. The cat-boat had vanished.... More important still, no one aboard the brigantine resembled in the remotest degree either of the Calendars, father or daughter, or even Mulready, the black-avised. "I sye, 're you lookin' for some one you know?" "Yes your passengers.

One of them would slyly say, "Darby, 'oo th' blinkin' 'ell was this blighter, General Grant?" Or, "Hi sye, Sandy, Hi 'eard Darby syin' 'ow this General Lee was a bleedin' swab." Then Sanford and I would pass the wink and go at it tooth and nail. It was ridiculous, arguing the toss on a long-gone-by small-time scrap like the Civil War with the greatest show in history going on all around us.

That made 'er just a little kid, and motherless, when Rodaine got in 'is work. She ain't got a thing to sye. And she loves 'er father. Suppose," Harry waved a hand, "that you loved somebody awful strong, and suppose that person was under a influence? Suppose it meant 'is 'appiness and 'is 'ealth for you to do like 'e wanted you? Wouldn't you go with a man?

"...dirty-livered Jew..." striking in the breast, and, as Frankl fell, he gave him one other in the temple, with "Down, down to hell, and sye I sent thee thither"; and to dead O'Hara near he gave one in the cheek, with "Go up, thou bald-head, it is": all in two seconds' space; and he was now about to turn anew to hack at Frankl, when his keen ear heard a creak; and he sprang up a spinning motionlessness the Reality before him.

And then: "Better go back to Hamerika and 'elp Wilson write 'is blinkin' notes." Well, I was mad enough to poke that sergeant in the eye. But I didn't. I retired gracefully and with dignity. At the door another sergeant hailed me, whispering behind his hand, "Hi sye, mytie. Come around in the mornin'. Hi'll get ye in." And so it happened.

"Why did n't you speak it all out?" he gurgled. "I 'eard every word." Anita's eyes snapped. "Well, I don't guess that's any worse than me standing behind the folding doors listening to you and Mother Howard gushing like a couple of sick doves!" "That 'olds me," announced Harry. "That 'olds me. I ain't got a word to sye!" Anita laughed. "Persons who live in glass houses, you know.

"I sye," he cried, all at once scrambling up and clawing at our arms, "D'd the bally ha'nt show up agyne?" And as we nodded he went on more aggrievedly than ever "Oh, I sye, y' know, I daon't like this. I eyen't shipping in no bloomin' 'ooker wot carries a ha'nt for supercargo. They waon't no good come o' this cruise no, they waon't. It's a sign, that's wot it is.

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