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And Syama, whose bereavements of sense had recommended him for confidant in the event of his witnessing the dreaded circumstance just befallen if he addressed himself to Syama, the faithful creature would deny him. "No; my master was old his hair and beard were white thou art a youth. Go hence."

All the night long he walked without pause; it seemed unending to him; at length the faintest rosy tint, a reflection from morning's palette of splendor, lodged on the glass of his eastern window, and woke him from his misery. At the door he found Syama. "Syama," he said, kindly, "bring me the little case which has in it my choicest drugs."

There were four rooms on the ground floor furnished comfortably for servants, of whom the arrangement indicated three besides Syama. The first floor was of three apartments communicable by doorways with portieres of camel's hair. The furniture was Roman, Greek, and Egyptian mixed.

And then cometh the mountain called Kesari. The measure of each of these mountains is double that of the one mentioned immediately before. O thou of Kuru's race, it hath been said by the wise that there are seven Varshas in that island. The Varsha of Jaladhara is called Sukumara, while that of Raivatak is called Kaumara; and of Syama, Manikanchana.

Syama, briefly waving his hand as if following the great Marmorean lake, turned the finger ends into the other palm, saying plainly and emphatically: "He is coming he will be here directly." Uel smiled faith could not be better illustrated and it was so in contrast with his own incredulity! He lingered awhile.

In preparation, however, you will get the porters who took me to the palace to-day, and have them take the boxes and gurglet of which I have been speaking to St. Peter's gate. You will go with them, make the signal to the captain, and see they are safely shipped. The other servants will accompany you. You understand?" Syama nodded. "Attend further.

"Thou wilt find Syama shrewd and of good judgment, older than he seemeth, and quick to render loyalty for my sake. Be advised also that he is deaf and dumb; yet, if in speaking thou turn thy face to him, and use the Greek tongue, he will understand thee by the motion of thy lips, and make answer by signs. "Finally, be not afraid to accept this commission on account of pecuniary involvement.

He drew her to his breast. "Good night. O my Gul Bahar!" She went lightly away, never dreaming of the parliament to which she left him. When she was gone, he sat motionless for near an hour, seeing nothing in the time, although Syama set water and wine on the table. And it may be questioned if he heard anything, except the fierce debate going on in his heart.

In the sitting-room the lamps were burning, and the illumination was brilliant. Syama was there, calm and smiling as usual. "What he is here?" Uel said, looking from door to door. The servant shook his head, and waved his hand negatively, as to say: "Not yet be patient observe me." To indulge his wonder, Uel took seat.

Thence, to a familiar, the heavens in the absence of the sun would be an unrolled map. When the last touch of the preparation had been given, and Syama said to himself, "He may come now," one point was especially noticeable nowhere in the house was there provision for a woman. The morning of the last day Syama accompanied Uel to the port reluctantly.