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"Get out the boat, Brock," said Herring to his mate who has already been introduced to the reader as Pimply Brock, and whose nose rendered any explanation of that name unnecessary; "take some fish, an' get as much as you can for 'em." The Swab did not name what his mate was to procure in barter with the fish, neither did Brock ask. It was an old-established order, well understood.

When the white bull made up his mind to attack again, instead of charging madly to swab his foe off the earth, he moved forward at a brisk stride, ready to check himself on the instant and block the enemy's side stroke. Within a couple of yards of his opponent he stopped short. The latter stood motionless, antlers lowered as before, apparently quite willing to lock horns.

He would hold on until the rising tide flowed across the tug. In the meantime, he watched the pump. The engine carried a dangerous load and the spouting discharge pipe was swollen. Throbbing and rattling, she fought the water that held Arcturus down. A greaser touched the crosshead-slides with a tallow swab, and a panting fireman thrust a bar through the furnace door.

My chief friend was Harry Bracewell, who was also a favourite with Mr Swab, and had received the same instruction from him that I had obtained. Mr Swab was not at all ashamed of his origin.

I had sat down already in my own corner and begun to eat. "Much hurt?" I asked him. He grunted, or rather, I might say, he barked. "If that doctor was aboard," he said, "I'd be right enough in a couple of turns, but I don't have no manner of luck, you see, and that's what's the matter with me. As for that swab, he's good and dead, he is," he added, indicating the man with the red cap.

It is very probable I should have longed in vain very probable I should not have been allowed to set foot upon the shore, but for my protector Brace. My work was still that of the swab and mop, and shoe-brush, and I was kept closely employed at such "chores" from morning to night.

The crew was polishing bright-work rather awkwardly but most industriously and with a fine willingness, explaining that if he polished brass some other poor Indian would have to swab decks, a remark which inspired Neil to state with much emphasis that cleaning decks was not, at all events, within the province of the ship's boy, and that, anyway, he had helped with the dishes and that right now he was going to lie in the sun on the galley roof and that if anyone disturbed him there'd be trouble.

Now, if I can't get away nohow, and they tip me the black spot, mind you, it's my old sea-chest they're after; you get on a horse you can, can't you? Well, then, you get on a horse and go to well, yes, I will! to that eternal doctor swab, and tell him to pipe all hands magistrates and sich and he'll lay 'em aboard at the 'Admiral Benbow' all old Flint's crew, man and boy, all on 'em that's left.

I ain't always such an idiot." "But I've had to judge people for myself in my lifetime," continued the schoolmistress, "and I've made up my mind that I was mistaken about you. I should like to apologize. Will you shake hands?" She extended her hand. Captain Cy hesitated. "Hadn't you better wait a spell?" he asked. "You've heard that swab call me partner. Hadn't "

There be two captains to their crew: one's the smoke-dried old sinner as brought yer in; the other a big nayger, as black as the ace o' spades. You saw the swab? He's inside the tent here. He's my master. The two came nigh quarrelling about which should have me, and settled it by some sort o' a game they played wi' balls of kaymals' dung. The black won me; and that's why I'm kep by his tent.