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Updated: August 19, 2024

Have we not authorized you to give yourself entirely up to this love? Do you not call yourself Earl Surrey's wife, though you cannot name to me the priest that married you? Lady Jane, obey, and we envy you not the happiness of your love; dare to rebel against us, and disgrace and shame overtake you, and you shall stand before all the world disowned and scoffed at; you the strumpet, that "

The runaways were heterogeneous in age and occupation, with more old negroes among them than might have been expected. Most of them were men; but the women Ann, Strumpet and Christian Grace made two flights each, and the old pad-mender Abba's Moll stayed out for a year and a quarter. A few of those recovered were returned through the public agency of the workhouse.

"Fifteen, a couple of years more or less," answered Sancho; "but she is as tall as a lance, and as fresh as an April morning, and as strong as a porter." "Those are gifts to fit her to be not only a countess but a nymph of the greenwood," said he of the Grove; "whoreson strumpet! what pith the rogue must have!"

A poor cobbler's wife opened her window, and, seeing the work of assassination, shrieked, "Murder! murder!" "Hold your tongue, you strumpet!" cried some one from the street. Others shot arrows at the windows where lookers-on might be. A tall man, wearing a red cap which came down over his eyes, said in a loud voice, "Out with all lights, and away!"

Twas not don well to brand my spotles name With Infamy; but to deride me is Inhumaine, when I only come to tell you Ile send my prayers on charities white wings To heaven for your prosperity. You greive For what? for your deliverance from a strumpet? Bon. No, but that my raving fancy should direct My trecherous tongue with that detested name To afflict thy unblemishd purity, Belisea.

Peace with you, Miss Holland? with the impudent strumpet who squanders my husband's means in lavish luxury, and, with scoffing boldness, robs my children of their lawful property?" "It is true, the duke is very generous," said Miss Holland, composedly. "He loaded me with diamonds and gold." "And meanwhile I was doomed almost to suffer want," said the duchess, grinding her teeth.

''Tis nothing but a huge cockpit, said he 'I wish you had said nothing worse of the Venus de Medici, replied I for in passing through Florence, I had heard he had fallen foul upon the goddess, and used her worse than a common strumpet, without the least provocation in nature.

No the infidel Templar the licentious De Bracy Ulrica, the foul murdering strumpet the men who aided my enterprises the dog Saxons and accursed Jews, who are my prisoners all, all shall attend me a goodly fellowship as ever took the downward road Ha, ha, ha!" and he laughed in his frenzy till the vaulted roof rang again.

When a priest quotes any of those passages, he unriddles it agreeably to his own views, and imposes that explanation upon his congregation as the meaning of the writer. The whore of Babylon has been the common whore of all the priests, and each has accused the other of keeping the strumpet; so well do they agree in their explanations.

How like the prodigal doth she return, With over-weather'd ribs and ragged sails, Lean, rent, and beggar'd by the strumpet wind! to the imitation in the Bard;

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