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Horace writes for Figaro and the Petit Journal pour Rire Théophile does feuilleton work romances, chit-chat, and political squibs rubbish, of course; but clever rubbish, and wonderful when one considers what boys they both are, and what dissipated lives they lead. The amount of impecuniosity those fellows get through in the course of a term is something inconceivable.

"My dear," he made answer in his deep, quiet voice, "you shall have one." The rattle of squibs drowned all further speech, and under cover of it Olga made her way to Nick. "They're awfully fond of each other, those two," she confided to him. "Bless their hearts! Why shouldn't they?" said Nick tolerantly. "Are you getting tired, my chicken? Do you want to go home to roost?"

The ferrule and rod were called out and liberally administered; but what was our horror and dismay when Mr O'Gallagher, about an hour before dinner, announced to us that all the squibs and crackers, with which our pockets were crammed, were to be given up immediately; and that, as we had not said our lessons well, there would be no half-holiday, the whole school were in mute despair.

A copy of the current number of 'Squibs, purchased at a book-stall, informed him, after a minute search to find the editorial page, that the offices of the paper were in Fetter Lane. It was evidence of his exalted state of mind that he proceeded thither in a cab.

And the result of the conflict made no slight impression on his mind; but gave a colour to all his political views. He began almost immediately to come forward as an author: not, however, as Obliged by hunger and request of friends; for in his circumstances he was independent, and even opulent; but seeking to avenge his father by squibs on Mr.

And yet all Florence laughed. There was something so irresistible in the Gadfly's grave absurdities that those who most disapproved of and disliked him laughed as immoderately at all his squibs as did his warmest partisans. Repulsive in tone as the leaflet was, it left its trace upon the popular feeling of the town.

Petheram had obviously staked out an indisputable claim. Her attitude toward him was that of an affectionate devotee toward a high priest. One morning, entering the office unexpectedly, Roland found her kissing the top of Mr. Petheram's head; and from that moment his interest in the fortunes of 'Squibs' sank to zero.

The poor take a delight in throwing large squibs, called by courtesy 'torpedoes, amongst the unpatriotic petticoats who dare to throng the Austrian balls; for though Trieste is Austrian nominally, it is Italian at heart. The feud between the Italians and the Austrians goes to spoil society in Trieste; they will not intermingle. The Slavs also form a distinct party.

Even while I write the Roman wheel is revolving before your eyes, squibs and crackers sound sweetly in your ears, and you are screaming forth your rejoicings over the acts of a convention that had for its sole object the strengthening of your chains!

Kate bent some straws, and made them go round and round, and said they were squibs; Anne did the same; and they did this for more than half an hour. They found that to do this did not burn them, as Mrs. Green had told them it would do, and they did not know why she did not like them to do it. This made them more bold, and they did it still more.