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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Yep, back of the grocery," the first teamster went on; "why, we're sure he's one of them squarehead scabs, hired through Murray an' Ready, makin' a sneak to get into the stables over the back fences." "We caught one there, Billy an' me," Bud interpolated. "So we don't waste any time," Jackson said, addressing himself to Saxon.

Oh, it was very evident that Yankee Swope was about to enjoy himself. The poor squarehead cowered backward, and Swope stepped forward and drove his clenched list into the boy's face, smashing him against the cabin skylights. The boy cried out with pain and fear, the blood gushing from his nose, and, placing his hands over his face, he tried to escape by running forward.

Then I noticed she was staring fixedly at the side of the cabin skylight. A few drops of the blood the Old Man had drawn from the little squarehead were splattered upon the woodwork and the deck. Silently, she regarded them, and her slight figure seemed to droop a bit.

The Chesapeake rounded up with a jerk and Mr. Gibney took Captain Scraggs gently by the arm. "Into the small boat, old ruin," he whispered, "and I'll row you an' The Squarehead back to the Maggie. If she drifts ashore with that load o' garden truck, you might as well drown yourself." Captain Scraggs was beyond words. He suffered himself to be taken back to the Maggie, after which kindly action Mr.

"All these organizers, yes, and a whole lot of the German and Squarehead farmers themselves, they're seditious as the devil disloyal, non-patriotic, pro-German pacifists, that's what they are!" "Did this organizer say anything pro-German?" "Not on your life! They didn't give him a chance!" His laugh was stagey. "So the whole thing was illegal and led by the sheriff!

Gibney, drawing The Squarehead and McGuffey to him, favoured each with a searching glance and said: "Gentlemen, did it ever occur to you that there's money in the chicken business?" It had! Both McGuffey and Neils admitted it.

The Squarehead hung back having no intention of waging war upon his late comrades, but the engineer and the new navigating officer stepped briskly forward, for they were about to fight for their jobs. Mr. Gibney halted the advance by lifting both great hands in a deprecatory manner. "For Heaven's sake, Scraggsy, have a heart. Don't force us to murder you.

The skiff floated off the ship at the end of the painter, so The Squarehead hauled it in, climbed down into the skiff, and made the light rope fast to a thwart; then, with Captain Scraggs paying out the hawser, Neils bent manfully to the oars and started to tow the steel cable back to the Maggie.

Fitzgibbon chose the Cockney, Lynch picked a squarehead so the alternate choosing went, the mates' skilled eyes first selecting all those who showed in their appearance some evidence of sailorly experience. "You!" said Fitzgibbon, indicating the red-shirted man, and motioning him over to the port side of the deck.

The big 'squarehead' is always ramming it down Burke's throat how he brought his barque out from Liverpool in a hundred and five days, while the Hilda took ten days more on her last run out!" "That's so, I guess," said Jones. They say that Schenke has got a friend down from Sacramento gym.-instructor or something to a college up there. He'll be training the 'Dutchy' crew like blazes.

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