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Updated: August 23, 2024

The next day Billy appeared whilst Aaron, off duty, was strolling up and down outside the pilot-house, and strolled offensively in his wake. Never a hostile glance or a word from Aaron. At last, tired of dumb show, Billy broke forth with a torrent of imprecation closing with "When are you going to pitch me off the boat, you blankety-blank son-of-a-gun and coward?"

I've got to reconcile these folks to your dad! And yet I'm going to make 'em say, 'Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son-of-a-gun from New York. You didn't know I read Shakespeare? Why, I read him constant, even if I do have to wear specs now for fine print."

The two had ridden ten paces past him when Pink pulled up suddenly. "I'm going to get off and lick that son-of-a-gun myself, just for luck," he stated dispassionately. "I'm going to lick 'em both," he revised while he dismounted. "Oh, come on, Cadwalloper," Weary dissuaded. "You'll likely have all the excitement you need, without that." "Here, you hold this fool cayuse. No."

But I'm 'most done now.... If Columbine doesn't answer this ..." "By the way, I'll have two letters to give her, then for I never gave her the first one," replied Wade. "You son-of-a-gun!" "Well, hurry along, boy. I'll be goin' now. Here's a pole I've fetched in. You keep it there, where you can reach it, an' when the fire needs more wood you roll one of these logs on.

"Miss Mary won't be bothered no more now with that son-of-a-gun hangin' around an' makin' eyes." Stratton turned on him suddenly. "Who the devil do you mean?" he demanded sharply. "Why, Tex, of course," shrugged Jessup. "He used to put in considerable time soft-soapin' around her. A hell of a nerve, I'll say, makin' up to such as her." Buck scowled.

"Or do you think we better tie the old son-of-a-gun up and be sure of him?" "Aw," said Happy Jack disgustedly a few minutes later, when the Happy Family had crawled out of their ambush and were feeling particularly foolish. "Nex' time old granny Furrman says Injuns t' this bunch, somebody oughta gag him." "I notice you waited till he'd gone outa hearing before you said that," Luck told him drily.

"Hullo, old hoss, how's th' gang?" he asked genially. "We've had a heck of a time this yere trip," he went on without waiting for Red to reply. "Five miles out of Las Cruces we stood off a son-of-a-gun that wanted th' dude's wealth. Then just this side of the San Andre foothills we runs into a bunch of young bucks who turned us off this yere way an' gave us a runnin' fight purty near all th' way.

We can do it in turns, Dick and me, then Prue and Jerry." "Righto!" said both boys at once. "But you girls needn't do it," Dick added. "Jerry and I have carried heavier loads than that, haven't we, old son-of-a-gun?" "Faugh!" said Jerry, with a wink.

"What!" said Shot-gun Smith; and at that sound Mrs. Brewton stopped dancing the ring. He strode to our table. "There's the winner," said Gadsden, quickly pointing to the Manna Exhibit. "What!" shouted Smith again; "and they quit me for that hammer-headed son-of-a-gun?" He whirled around. The men stood ready, and the women fled shrieking and cowering to their infants in the booths. "Gentlemen!

"Oh, yes," vaguely. "Couldn't you interest anybody?" "How can you interest clods who have no imagination?" "What did they say about it?" "Scales told me to go out and hold my head under the spout and he'd pump on it. If ever I get a dollar ahead to pay my fine, I'm going to work that son-of-a-gun over." Mrs. Toomey sobered.

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