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"I'd hate to," he said quickly; "but I guess I'll sell you 'most anything." Jim accepted the snub silently, drank his whiskey, paid for it, and went out. Rocket looked after him. His eyes were unfriendly, but then they were generally unfriendly. As the doors swung to behind his customer he turned and looked in through the doorway behind him. "Ma!" he cried, "Jim Thorpe's been in.

'There and back? he said, and conveyed a compliment to Carinthia's pedestrian vigour in the wary smile which can be recalled for a snub. She replied: 'We have walked the distance, my lord. Her smile was the braced one of an untired stepper. 'A cold wind for you. 'We walked fast. She compelled him to take her in the plural, though he addressed her separately, but her tones had their music.

Wrenn trotted toward the bow to thrill over the bump of the boat's snub nose against the lofty swaying piles and the swash of the brown waves heaped before her as she sidled into place. He was carried by the herd on into the station. He did not notice the individual people in his exultation as he heard the great chords of the station's paean.

Henry had been hit hard, but there was a dogged persistence in his disposition that would not allow him to give up till he had tested his fortune to the uttermost. His love was quite unmixed with vanity, for Madeline had never given him any real reason to think that she loved him, and, therefore, the risk of an additional snub or two counted for nothing to deter him.

She had taken off her gloves, and she made a piquant, pretty show, with her thirty years, and her agreeable, slightly roguish face, in which were mingled the knowingness of a street boy and the confidence of a woman who has ceased to be surprised at the influence of her snub nose on a highly intelligent man. "Did she tell you what they had quarrelled about?" Laurence inquired abruptly.

Marbolt moved slowly, though without the aid of his stick now, over to the table, and seated himself. "It's the old trouble," said Jake, when his master had settled himself. "The cattle 'duffers. They're gettin' busy busy around this ranch again." "Well?" Marbolt turned to Tresler; his action was a decided snub to Jake. Tresler took his cue and began his story.

The blockheads have gone on negotiating with me just long enough to enable Grant to bring all his army up to this point. Here we are, then, with our base established in the heart of the country, in a capital climate, with abundance around us, our army in excellent health, and these stupid people give me a snub, which obliges me to break with them.

Bangs was beginning to find him useful, and, while he continued to snub him and correct him, he also came to depend upon him, especially in an emergency. Quin, on his part, was for the first time turning a critical eye on his own achievements in relation to those of bigger and abler men, and the result was chastening.

They would know instinctively that under his veneer of good manners was something coarse and crude, as she did, and they would politely snub him. She had no name and no knowledge for the urge in the man that she vaguely recognized and resented. But she had a full knowledge of the obsession he was becoming in her mind.

She was a woman of a very sweet and happy disposition; she had a round head, grey hair, and soft, white hands. Her face also was soft, and her features, including a somewhat comical snub nose, were heavy, but pleasant. She worshipped Marfa Timofeevna, who loved her dearly, although she teased her greatly about her susceptible heart.