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"Yes, I do," said Polly. "I couldn't go away without seeing that picture once more, Jasper." "I don't like that 'Night Watch," said Adela, "it's too dark and too smutty. I don't see why people like it so much." "Well, I do like it very much," reiterated Polly. "I know it's dreadfully dark, but the people in front seem to be stepping right out of the shadows, and to be alive.

At his first meeting with White Nose, he found her most unresponsive to his advances, considering the fact that they had come and gone together all through the autumn. The reason for her indifference was soon discovered, for Black Bruin saw that she had two little fuzzy cubs in tow; one with a smutty white nose like her own, and the other with a dark muzzle like Black Bruin's.

One comes from the man who can be counted on to say: "They tell me that show at the Eltinge What's it called? 'Tickling Tottie's Tummy? well, they say it's pretty raw. Certainly does beat all how there are some men who just have to see a show soon's they hear it's smutty. I can't understand it." This might be called the Comment Ingenuous.

If a woman be never so ugly and nauseous, yet if her husband can but think her handsome, it is all one to him as if she really were so: if any man have never so ordinary and smutty a draught, yet if he admires the excellency of it, and can suppose it to have been drawn by some old Apelles, or modern Vandyke, he is as proud of it as if it had really been done by one of their hands.

Most of the hardy Californian annuals bear town life well. Perhaps because they have only to bear it for a year. Convolvulus major the Morning Glory, as our American cousins so prettily call it flourishes on a smutty wall as generously as the Virginian creeper. North borders are safest in winter. They are free from the dangerous alternation of sunshine and frost.

"We have no such dance ourselves. We only dance hand in hand, and round and round, when we dance together. Now I will learn the step, and then I will put my arm round your waist and dance with you." Amelia looked at the dwarf. He was very smutty, and old, and wizened. Truly, a queer partner! But "handsome is that handsome does;" and he had done her a good turn.

You ate it, didn't you?" and she laughed with the others when he said yes. "But 'twas horrid," cried Joe. "I can't help it, Mamsie. There wasn't any sugar in it, and it was black and smutty and thin. Why don't we ever have any pie in the little brown house, Mamsie?" he asked suddenly. "Why don't little boys talk sensibly?" asked Mrs. Pepper.

On the 26th an advance party left us, and on the evening of the 28th the whole Battalion, with the exception of some few of the later drafts, entrained and reached Sidi Bishr next morning, smutty but hopeful. Sidi Bishr rest camp was unlike anything that the oldest soldier can remember. It was run with the sole desire of making everybody happy.

It looked at first as if the fire would be put out, but it struggled upward, and by-and-by a column of dense black smoke stained the sky like the smutty finger of some giant tracing a wavy line across it. Then Ogallah and one of his men held his blanket spread out so as almost to force the thick smoke to the ground, but such was not their purpose.

From the eerie of the top landing window one could get a bird's- eye view of the Napier Terrace gardens with their miniature grass plots, their smutty flower-beds, and the dividing walls with their clothing of blackened ivy.