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They were generally barefooted, and those whose feet were clad, had them covered with that wonderful slipper, which barely covers the extremity of the foot, and is kept in its place by the adhesion of the smallest toe to its neighbor. Getting clear, at length, of this crowd of feminines, "presto" was the word, and away we bowled along one of the most beautiful roads I have ever seen.

The offer was graciousness itself, but it implied such a lack on Girlie's part that she felt vaguely uncomfortable. She sat digging the toe of her slipper against the leg of the bench. "I don't know," she stammered finally. "Maybe I can't come often. It makes me wigglesome to sit still too long and listen." "We might try it this morning to see how you like it," persisted Mary.

Does a goldfinch indict epistles; or a humming-bird study composition; or a glancing, red-scaled fish in summer shallows consider the meaning of words? He knew at the beginning what Babette was guessed her limitations trembled when he buttoned her tiny glove kissed her dainty slipper when he found it in the closet after she was gone thrilled at the sound of her laugh, or the memory of it!

Hob nails should be taken along to insert if the going is over rocky places. It is also advisable to provide a pair of very light leather slipper boots to reach to just under the knee for wear in camp. They protect the legs and ankles from insect stings and bites.

I hurried out through the court into Fleet Street, thinking of the key of the now empty case at the Museum which reposed at my bankers, thinking of the devils who pursued the slipper, thinking of the hundred and one things, strange and terrible, which went to make up the history of that gruesome relic.

She caught the slipper from the shoeman and harried it on; she tied the ribbons across the instep, and then put on the other. "Now put out youa foot, Clem! Fast dancin' position!" She leaned back upon her own heels, and Clementina daintily lifted the edge of her skirt a little, and peered over at her feet.

A white ribbon still faintly smelling of violets. A small silver shoe-buckle. A large pearl button. A small pearl button. A tortoise-shell hair-pin. A cross-section from the heel of a small slipper. A stringy remnant, probably once an improvised wreath of daisies. Four or five withered dandelions. Other dried vegetation, of a nature now indistinguishable.

I gathered him a beautiful blossom of the lady's slipper; but he pushed it back when I presented it to him, saying, 'Yes, yes; 'tis very fine. I have seen that often before; but these lichens are splendid. "The man had so little taste that I thought him a fool, and so I left him to talk to his dear plants, while I shot partridges for our supper.

The woman was evidently pleased, and commenced cramping up what was in fact a very small foot into its faded satin slipper. "Tell me, my dear," continued Chane, "are yez married?" "Que dice?" again asked the woman. "He wants to know if you are married." She smiled, waving her forefinger in front of her nose. Raoul informed the Irishman that this was a negative answer to his question.

"Ah, but you forget your fairy tale," said Pamela. "Cinderella had a happy ending. She wasn't left to the drudgery, but reigned with the prince in the palace." "It's hardly polite surely," Muriel put in, "to liken poor little Jean to a cinder-witch." Jean laughed and held out a foot in a shabby slipper. "I've felt like one all day.