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"We kain't skeercely shoot her outen hand es she rides along," demurred a conscientious objector, who, however, fully endorsed the plan of lightening her financial burden. "She's a woman, fer all her brashness in her callin' herself a man." The virtuous sentiment was not popularly received.

"I reckon I'll do my best," said Rowlett, sullenly; "I hain't skeercely got no rather in ther matter nohow." Thornton stripped off his coat and rolled his sleeves high and the other man followed suit. Bas even grinned sardonically in appreciation when the other at length thrust his pistol under a rock which it strained his strength to lift.

"Ther time thet went ahead of thet didn't skeercely count atall." Her voice trembled, and the meeting of their gaze was a caress. Then he said: "When I wedded with ye out thar under thet old tree with ther sun shinin' down on us I swore ter protect ye erginst all harm." "Hain't ye always done thet, Ken?"

It's sartin, though, that she's never saw him, and don't know nothin' about him, or she'd never let him write to her. Of course, he's as ignorant as a mule. He skeercely got beyant pot-hooks when he wuz tryin' to larn writin', an' he spells like a man with a wooden leg. Look here: "'Mi Dere Frend. Now, everybody knows that the way to spell dear is d-e-e-r.

Everybody's forewarnin' me right now." "I've done heered thet this Brent party air a mighty slick customer. Don't give him no undue lee-way ter fleece ye. Ther man Halloway, thet's hangin' around him's a pretty desperate sort too, by ther repute folks gives him. When ye settled up accounts with thet outfit, ye kain't skeercely be too heedful.

Uncle Jase, to whom this was all an inexplicable riddle, glanced perplexedly at old Caleb and Caleb stood for the moment irresolute, then with a sigh of relief, as though for discovery of a solution, he demanded: "Did ye ever make use of yore middle name over thar in Virginny?" "No. I reckon nobody don't skeercely know I've got one."

Then when his scrutiny had satisfied itself he asserted with a blunt directness: "Ye hain't skeercely got no means of knowin' who's inside my house without ye come by thet knowledge through spyin' on me." From the darkness of the cock-loft came a passionate voice of such rabid truculence as sounds in the throat of a dog straining at its leash.

A man kain't skeercely plead with his enemy but he kin with his friend an' that's how I hoped I'd be met." "Yore friend is what I'd love ter be." Maggard stood with his hand resting on the bark of the tree, as though out of it he might hope to draw some virtue from the far past which it commemorated or from the dust of those wiser men whose graves its roots penetrated.

But at once he was back by the bed, and Maggard's estimate of him as a master of perfidy mounted to admiration, for the passion clouds had in that flash of time been swept from his eyes and left them disguised again with solicitude and friendliness. "By God, Cal!" The exclamation bore a counterfeited heartiness. "I didn't skeercely suffer myself ter hope y'd ever speak out ergin!"

Halloway noticed that, as he talked, the other men watched him narrowly though, as he glanced in their direction, they fell at once into a semblance of carelessness. The operator grunted, as he shoved forward a blank with the instructions, "write out your telegram." Halloway modestly thrust back the paper. "I kin write some " he said, "but not skeercely good enough fer thet.