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Updated: August 24, 2024

Passing on his way through K , he deposited his will with the government authorities there. The Freiherr, whose character appeared to have undergone a complete revolution, spoke more than once during his stay at R sitten of presentiments of his approaching death. And these apprehensions were really not unfounded, for he died in the very next year.

"Why," said he, "if these bills are not paid, the Glasgow merchant comes on the Hieland lairds, whae hae deil a boddle o' siller, and will like ill to spew up what is item a' spent They will turn desperate five hundred will rise that might hae sitten at hame the deil will gae ower Jock Wabster and the stopping of your father's house will hasten the outbreak that's been sae lang biding us."

Howden, somewhat indignant at the contemptuous way in which her gossip was mentioned; "when she and I were twa gilpies, we little thought to hae sitten doun wi' the like o' my auld Davie Howden, or you either, Mr. Saddletree." While Saddletree, who was not bright at a reply, was cudgelling his brains for an answer to this homethrust, Miss Damahoy broke in on him.

Their countenances plainly indicated their belief that, owing to my youth, the welfare of the tenants of R sitten was placed in jeopardy.

I believe it is an augury that I shall die soon." I exerted myself to drive these gloomy thoughts from his mind. "Never mind, cousin," he said, "in any case I'm not long for this world; and so I will now discharge a debt I owe you. Do you still remember our autumn in R sitten?"

The pleasant tenor of life at R sitten was disturbed by the arrival of a man whom one would have judged to be quite in his element there. This was Wolfgang's younger brother Hubert, at the sight of whom Wolfgang had screamed out, with his face as pale as a corpse's, "Unhappy wretch, what do you want here?"

And though, in the hours when he was free from pain, his good spirits returned, and he had no lack of broad jests, even making mention of hunting exploits, so that I fully expected every minute to hear him make a butt of my heroic deed, when I had killed the wolf with my whinger, yet never once did he allude to our visit to R sitten, and as may well be imagined, I was very careful, from natural shyness, not to lead him directly up to the subject.

In the year 179- the time came round again when old V was to start on his journey for R sitten. However strong and healthy the old man, now seventy years of age, might feel, he was yet quite assured that a helping hand would prove beneficial to him in his business. So he said to me one day as if in jest, "Cousin!"

I asked the man who was driving me. "Oh! why, that's not a fire; it's the beacon tower of R sitten." "R sitten!" Directly the postilion mentioned the name all the experiences of the eventful autumn days which I had spent there recurred to my mind with lifelike reality.

Then it is necessary for the salvation of those poore people which have sitten so longe in darkenes and in the shadowe of deathe, that preachers should be sent unto them. But by whome shoulde these preachers be sente? By them no doubte which have taken upon them the protection and defence of the Christian faithe.

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