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Updated: August 25, 2024

"I told him that the small black oaks were years that still stood around him, but that finally they would overpower him and he would sink to sleep beneath them, as we must all eventually do. I think it reassured him but, mamma, I am uneasy about the two old people." "If the Bishop were here " "He would sleep in the house with a shotgun, I fear," laughed Alice.

Belle seized Tag by his right arm, hanging on frantically. But Dick, reaching the spot, laid hands on the shotgun. "Let go, Laura," he commanded sternly. "I have hold of this gun." It was the tone of the high school boy, not her own fear, that made Laura Bentley obey. "Let go of his arm, Belle," Dick insisted. "You girls get back out of harm's way." "I won't let go," Belle insisted.

Above the tumult of the coming storm and the tossing tree-tops, he raised his voice. "You wait!" he shouted. "I'll get you yet! Next time, I'll bring a gun." Next time was the next morning. There had been a hawk hovering over the chicken yard, and Jimmie used that fact to explain his borrowing the family shotgun.

Although opposed to violence on general principles, still Frank knew very well that there are times when it becomes necessary for every one to stand up boldly for his rights. He gave a nudge to Jerry which that worthy understood as a signal to be ready. Accordingly, Jerry raised his shotgun until he had covered the group in front of the cabin, and then waited for the word.

He arose with grave face to greet another day. While Mary was in the kitchen getting breakfast, he rummaged secretly among his queer assortment of papers gun catalogues, directions about building a boat, advertisements of shotgun shells with hunting dogs painted on them. At last he found it Prince's pedigree that Doctor Tolman had sent along with Prince.

"No, not so very." Nelson stopped clipping and was immediately lost in the past. "Only when he was that way five strong men couldn't turn him. I'll say that. No, if they had to get him with a shotgun that day, 'twas nobody's fault nor sin.

Its text is as follows: Section I. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any unnaturalized foreign-born resident to hunt for or capture or kill, in this Commonwealth, any wild bird or animal, either game or otherwise, of any description, excepting in defense of person or property; and to that end it shall be unlawful for any unnaturalized foreign-born resident, within this Commonwealth, to either own or be possessed of a shotgun or rifle of any make.

I thought I remembered where I had seen that gun, and when Buck came up I handed it to him. "Here's your shotgun," I said. "It's the one you shot the geese with back toward the Mississippi." "Good goose gun," said he. "Thank you for keeping it for me. I see you have caught me out getting acquainted with Iowa customs. If you had needed any help that night, you'd have got it."

A generation ago, when Medicine Bend for one winter was the terminus of the overland railroad, vigilantes mercilessly cleaned out the town, and the few outlaws that escaped the shotgun and the noose at Medicine Bend found refuge in a far-away and unknown mountain gorge once named by French trappers the Cache.

One day Slade came into the general store near the station, and the Frenchman, who had seen a good opportunity for ambush here, fired both barrels of a double-barreled shotgun into his body at a range of about fifty feet. Slade took to his bed. But he was made of the stuff which absorbs much lead without any great amount of permanent harm. He was up again in a few weeks.

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