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His parents lived in Shellport, and thus had the benefit of the constant society of their dear Harry; while the school, on the other hand, was deprived of that advantage for a portion of every day in the term.

However, I say no more of that at present. I have called you together to read to you a letter I have just received from the newly-elected Member for Shellport, Mr Cheeseman." As the doctor pronounced this unpopular name, one hardy junior, quite mistaking the gravity of the occasion, began a low hiss.

Then Pilbury cried in tones of feigned warning, "Here comes the doctor! We'll see what he says." "Won't do," shouted Parson from within. "Won't wash, my boy. Paddy's down at Shellport. Any more sherbet left, King?" "I'll go and tell the captain, that's what I'll do," said Pilbury. "Won't wash again," cried Parson.

"Well, Wyndham," said he, "I'm glad you've come." Wyndham deposited his books and looked rather uncomfortable. Riddell had rather hoped the boy would refer to the subject first, but he did not. Riddell therefore said, "I was sorry to see you down in Shellport this afternoon, Wyndham. You hadn't a permit, had you?" "No," said Wyndham.

"In where?" replied the aggravating Brown, shouldering his way in at the gate and intoxicated with his own importance. "What are you talking about?" "Why, who's been elected for Shellport? Is Pony in?" shouted the boys, impatiently. "Pony!" rejoined Brown, half-contemptuously, "do you suppose they'd have an old stick like him!" "What," exclaimed Merrison. "Is Cheeseman in after all, then?" "Eh?"

Still, if that had been all, Gilks would scarcely have been moping up at Willoughby among the virtuous few that afternoon, while the rest of the school were running mad down in Shellport. He had a greater trouble than this. Silk, in whose genial friendship he had basked for so many months, had not treated him well.

I dare say he'd be rather glad if we did," replied Pilbury. "Then there's Tucker. No fear of his reporting us, eh!" "Rather not! when he's always breaking rules himself, and slinking down to Shellport, and kicking up rows with the other chaps. What do you think I found in his brush-and-comb bag the other day? Thirteen cigar- ends!

Captain Cusack, R.N., when he had parted from his dutiful son the night before, had put five shillings into his hand as a pleasant memento of his visit; and Master Cusack, directly after second school that morning, had skulked down into Shellport with his hat-box, and returned in due time with the same receptacle packed almost to bursting with dough-nuts, herrings, peppermint-rock, and sherbet.

Silk hesitated for a moment, then with a look round at Riddell, he said, "Before I go, sir, I think you ought to know that Wyndham junior " "What about him?" asked the doctor, coldly. "He is in the habit, as Riddell here knows, of frequenting low places of amusement in Shellport.

On the very afternoon when Pilbury and Cusack had been sitting at the feet of the learned Philpot in the laboratory, Silk, a monitor, had, along with Gilks, of the schoolhouse, a monitor too, gone down to Shellport, against all rules, taking Wyndham junior, one of their special proteges, with them.