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"I got one," he replied, "and meetin' Lanty Gorman goin' home wid Square Deaker's ass King James or Sheemus a Cocka, as he calls him that is, 'Jemmy the Cock, in regard of the great courage he showed at the Boyne I made him promise to bring him up. Lanty, sir, says the Square's a'most gone." "Why, is he worse?" asked Val, very coolly.

Now, of the five individuals in whose houses the "stations" were appointed to be held, we will select Phaddhy Sheemus Phaddhy for our purpose; and this we do, because it was the first time in which a station was ever kept in his house, and consequently Phaddhy and his wife had to undergo the initiatory ceremony of entertaining Father Philemy and his curate, the Reverend Con M'Coul, at dinner.

Phaddhy Sheemus Phaddhy had been, until a short time before the period in question, a very poor man; but a little previous to that event, a brother of his, who had no children, died very rich that is, for a farmer and left him his property, or, at least, the greater part of it.

"On Thursday, in Phaddhy Sheemus Phaddhy's of the Esker. Are you there, Phaddhy?" "Wid the help of God, I'm here, sir." "Well, Phaddhy, how is yer son Briney, that's at the Latin? I hope he's coming on well at it." "Why, sir, he's not more nor a year and a half at it yet, and he's got more books amost nor he can carry; he'll break me buying books for him."

I know you do. Well and good he's drawing gravel to make a new avenue early next week, so, Sheemus O'Shaughran, if you wish to have two friends in coort a great one and a little one' manin' myself, God pardon me, for the little one, your honor 'you will, says I 'early on next Monday mornin', send down a pair of horses and carts, and give him a week's duty work.

At length nine o'clock arrived, and the scene must change to the northern part of Sheemus Neil's orchard. The Dead Boxer threw a cloak around him, and issuing through the back door of the inn, entered the garden, which was separated from the orchard only by a low clipped hedge of young whitethorn, in the middle of which stood of a small gate.

'Now, Sheemus O'Shaughran, says I, 'you've said what I know to be a lie. I'm not the man to put ill between you and his honor, Mr. M'Clutchy, but at the same time, says I, 'I'm his sarvint, and as an honest man I must do my duty.

One, for instance, was called Parra Ghastha, or swift Paddy, from his fleetness of foot; another, Shaun Buie, or yellow Jack, from his bilious look; a third, Micaul More, or big Michael, from his uncommon size; and a fourth, Sheemus Ruah, or red James, from the color of his hair.

"Bless my soul, and so it is indeed, Phaddy, and I ought to know it; an how is your wife Sarah? I mean, I hope Mrs. Sheemus Phaddhy is well: by the by, is that old complaint of hers gone yet? a pain in the stomach, I think it was, that used to trouble her; I hope in God, Phaddhy, she's getting over it, poor thing.

"Begad, sir, sure he thinks it's the twelfth o' July; and he was always accustomed to get a keg of the Boyne Wather, whenever that day came round, to drink the loyal toasts in; and nothing would satisfy him but that Lanty would put the cart on Sheemus a Cocka, and bring him a keg of it all the way from the Boyne. Lanty to plaise him, sets off wid himself to St.