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Great interest up his way, the Deacon says. There's ten had convictions since Conference night. I wish you were one of the interested, Sharley." But Sharley had fled. Fled away into the windy, moonless night, down through the garden, out into the sloping field. She ran back and forth through the grass with great leaps, like a wounded thing.

In a moment the little girl stopped crying, and turned over the leaves of her Testament till she came to the very end; and she put her finger on the verse, "Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." As she pointed to the words the lady read them, and then asked, "Do you want Him to come?" Sharley did not speak, but nodded her head. "Why do you want to see Him?

And then, to the intense distress of the girls, Aunt Sharley slumped into a chair, threw her floury hands over her face and with the big tears trickling out between her fingers she moaned over and over again between her gulping breaths: "Oh, dat I should live to see de day w'en my own chillens wants to drive me away frum 'em! Oh, dat I should live to see dis day!"

Nan and Vallie in the pretty pink frocks, which no longer made me feel discontented with my own, as nothing could be prettier, I was quite firmly convinced, than grandmamma's beautiful work, which Sharley had already admired in her own pleasant and hearty way.

We knowed beforehand that Aunt Sharley was goin' to favour Knollwood and that we were goin' to fall into line with her notions about it at the end. She'd already licked us to a standstill there in my office, and we were jest tryin' to save our faces. "So you went to college and you both stayed there two full years.

But altogether the French lessons were very nice and brought some variety into our lives. I think granny and I looked forward to them as much as the Nestor children did. Grandmamma's birthday happened to come about a fortnight after they began. I told Sharley about it one day when she was out in the garden with me, while her sisters were at their lesson.

One afternoon Gerard Nestor walked in. Granny's face quite lighted up, and for a moment or two I felt very excited. 'Have you all come home? I exclaimed. 'I haven't had a letter from Sharley for ever so long perhaps perhaps she meant to surprise me, I had been going to say, but something in Jerry's face stopped me. He looked rather grave; not that he was ever anything but quiet.

But I can't think of anything I can work for her this year, and tea-cakes are only tea-cakes, and I sighed. 'Don't look so unhappy, said Sharley, 'we'll plan. We're rather short of plans just now, and we always like to have some on hand for first thing in the morning Val and I do at least. Nan never wakes up properly.

Harvey Winslow. Her full name was Charlotte Helm Winslow, but nearly everybody called her Little Sharley. She is still called so, I believe, though growing now into quite a sizable young person. Somebody said once that facts are stubborn things, which is a lie. Facts are almost the most flexible things known to man.

Now that you know the ages of my children you will be able to tell whether any of them were about your own age; perhaps you may be older than Chrissie and Sharley, or even Ernest, who was nearly twelve, but I am quite sure that if you are younger than any of my elder children, you will be able to understand some of the lessons which we had from the Bible every morning.