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Updated: August 19, 2024

I didn't fall in love with all the belles; we were there only two weeks. Oh! there was a Mrs. Farquhar there." "Georgiana Randolph! Georgie! How did she look? We were at Madame Sequin's together, and a couple of seasons in Paris. Georgie! She was the handsomest, the wittiest, the most fascinating woman I ever saw. I hope she didn't give you a turn?" "Oh, no. But we were very good friends.

I didn't fall in love with all the belles; we were there only two weeks. Oh! there was a Mrs. Farquhar there." "Georgiana Randolph! Georgie! How did she look? We were at Madame Sequin's together, and a couple of seasons in Paris. Georgie! She was the handsomest, the wittiest, the most fascinating woman I ever saw. I hope she didn't give you a turn?" "Oh, no. But we were very good friends.

In order to do so, he would follow Basil Sequin's advice, and offer his bank stock for sale in the morning. There was anxiety in the drab house in College Street. The second day of Donald Morley's trial had come and no decision had been reached.

So engrossed were the conductor and brakeman and Uncle Jimpson in safely depositing the freezers on the platform, that no one noticed a passenger who had alighted. In fact, it was not until Uncle Jimpson heard Mrs. Sequin's name that he paused from his labor and looked up.

From the moment when she had appeared, half timidly in her borrowed feathers and taken refuge under Mrs. Sequin's experienced wing, she had been the sensation of the evening. Adroitly conveyed from one group to another she had left enthusiasm in her wake.

Sequin's to-night?" Uncle Jimpson eyed the bags suspiciously. "'Scuse me, sir, but you ain't sellin' nothin', is you?" The laugh that greeted this was so spontaneous, that Uncle Jimpson hastened to apologize: "I nebber thought you wuz, only we wasn't lookin' fer no railroad company, an' I 'lowed you didn't look lak you wuz comin' to de party."

Sequin's two plump fingers did duty for the bride and groom, but Mr. Sequin was not interested. "I should not be surprised if Decker cabled Donald to come home. He's in a great state of indignation over the fact that the blame was put on Don. You see, it is all a fresh issue with them." "I'd be perfectly furious with Don," declared Mrs. Sequin, "if he came back and got into a quarrel with Lee.

Ascending was one of Mrs. Sequin's chief accomplishments. Twenty-five years' experience on the social ladder had made her exceedingly surefooted. Her reward now was in sitting on the top rung and dictating arbitrarily to all those below. She had acquired a passion for dictating, for arranging, and setting in order.

Young Dillingham is engaged to be married to the daughter of my cousin whom I expect to-day, and the other young man involved, Donald Morley, is Mrs. Sequin's brother." "Well for the life of me," said Miss Wuster, counting stitches between her sentences, "I can't see how they got Mr. Dillingham off, unless it was the way Mr. Gooch said." "Who is Mr. Gooch?" asked Miss Lady of the Doctor.

Sequin's, bad luck to her!... It was a party or a dinner between me and me rest ivery night of the week! Sorra a bit did I care for the whole kit of 'em, barring Mr. Don Morley, as fine a young gentleman as ever set foot in sole leather!" "Him that shot Dick Sheeley and run away?" "Him they laid it on," said Norah with indignant emphasis. "It was that good-for-nothin' Mr.

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