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"Mebbe it's to make 'em love de priv'lege mo'." "But what keeps them away, Maria? what hinders?" "Chile, de Lord hab His angels, and de devil he hab his ministers; and dey takes all sorts o' shapes, de angels and de ministers too. I reckon dere's some work o'dat sort goin'on." Maria spoke in a sort of sententious wisdom which did not satisfy me at all. I thought there was something behind.

He accompanied this sententious quotation with a wicked look from under his half-closed eyelids that Rena did not see. The following morning Wain drove her in his buggy over to the county town, where she took the teacher's examination.

Tim Rokens did nothing particularly worthy of record; but he gave utterance to an immense number of sententious and wise remarks, which were listened to by Bumble with deep respect, for that sable gentleman had taken a great fancy for the bold harpooner, and treasured up all his sayings in his heart.

We have the worthless Electra of Euripides we have lost all, save the titles and a few sententious fragments, of thirty-five comedies of Epicharmus!

"Won't you take off your things and stay awhile?" It was what he always said to them, and they always said, "Yes, thank you," following out instructions received on the way down town, and then, in some desperation, added, "Mr. Bingle," after a sententious whisper from their aunt. They were a rosy, clean-scrubbed lot, these little Sykeses.

Hereupon the chimpanzee seized a bottle of Rockhouse malaga, and filled a glass. "He has erred on the safe side there," said Jack, drily. "Well," added Willis, laughing, "we must let that pass. Jocko," said he, assuming a sententious tone, "I asked you for a plate." The chimpanzee looked at him, hesitated a moment, then seized the glass, and drank the contents off at a single draught.

Having given utterance to this sage opinion with the sententious solemnity of an oracle, or the portentous gravity of "an ass" as modern slang might put it the youth resumed his pipe and continued the stupefaction of his brain. The woman was not sorry that her visitor took the matter thus, for she had felt the imprudence of having betrayed any symptom of surprise, whatever the sound might be.

It is, indeed, not so frequently to make us good as to make us wise, that our friends employ the officiousness of counsel; and among the rejectors of advice, who are mentioned by the grave and sententious with so much acrimony, you will not so often find the vicious and abandoned, as the pert and the petulant, the vivacious and the giddy.

'A man owes a duty to his class as long as he sees his class doing its duty to the country, said Beauchamp; and he added, rather prettily in contrast with the sententious commencement, Cecilia thought, that the apathy of his class was proved when such as he deemed it an obligation on them to come forward and do what little they could.

On reaching home, in order to take his thoughts off the one engrossing subject, he sat down at the table and proceeded to read over certain sententious passages written by him recently. "In this world there is neither good nor bad." "Some say: what is natural is good, and that man is right in his desires." "But that is false, for all is natural.