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Updated: August 26, 2024

Dipping Thompson Seedless. What is the process of dipping and bleaching Thompson seedless grapes?

The towns of Pomona, Redlands, Monrovia, and others in the orange localities were unknown before 1885, and grew to several thousand population in a few years. Everybody talked of the great profit in orange growing, and people who had nurseries of young trees grown from navel buds made fortunes. At this day thousands of acres of seedless oranges are in full bearing and no one buys the old kinds.

"And," said Bubbles, "he sent me a box Thanks-giving, There was a cold turkey and caramels and guava jelly and ginger-snaps, and walnut meats and seedless raisins, and, and as Mr. Tompkins says, it doesn't do to be too hard on a man." Spring came. Their mine made its first shipments of ore and was no longer a paper success.

Presently they came to a place, where a stalk of long grass stood up through the snow its seedless panicle just appearing above the surface. Round this stalk a little hole had been formed partly by the melting of the snow, and partly by the action of the wind upon the panicle and into this hole the tracks led.

We improve our favourite plants and animals and how few they are gradually by selective breeding; now a new and better peach, now a seedless grape, now a sweeter and larger flower, now a more convenient breed of cattle. We improve them gradually, because our ideals are vague and tentative, and our knowledge is very limited; because Nature, too, is shy and slow in our clumsy hands.

And then no matter where the oozy caves, and soundless depths of ocean may be my dwelling, before I accomplish this long-drawn voyage, or the arrow of disease find my heart as I float singly on the weltering Mediterranean; or, in some place I touch at, I may find what I seek a companion; or if this may not be to endless time, decrepid and grey headed youth already in the grave with those I love the lone wanderer will still unfurl his sail, and clasp the tiller and, still obeying the breezes of heaven, for ever round another and another promontory, anchoring in another and another bay, still ploughing seedless ocean, leaving behind the verdant land of native Europe, adown the tawny shore of Africa, having weathered the fierce seas of the Cape, I may moor my worn skiff in a creek, shaded by spicy groves of the odorous islands of the far Indian ocean.

To the lover of choice fruit nothing is old; every succeeding crop is as choice and new as is the new year itself, and one waits for it again and again. One hears of seedless and no-core apples, as also of pears. The core is present but greatly reduced in size, and the seeds may be few and small. I have also raised practically seedless tomatoes.

Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners of our Eastern friends owe much to California. She sends the seedless raisins, candied orange and lemon peel, the citron and beet sugar for the mince pies and plum puddings.

Read this story of the seedless orange, this "golden apple of California," which was first cultivated by Luther Tibbets, of Riverside, and learn how Southern California has profited by its navel orange crops. Nearly thirty years ago Mr. Tibbets came from New York to this state and took up free government land near what is now the beautiful city of Riverside.

Two pounds of beef; half pound suet; half pound butter; five pounds apples; two pounds raisins; two pounds seedless raisins; half pound citron; three tablespoonfuls cinnamon, two of mace, two of allspice; one nutmeg; three pounds brown sugar; half gallon sweet cider. Boil beef until tender, then chop fine; also chop suet, apples and citron.

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