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'Twas smooth water wi' us, for 'twas a scug there, but white enough was all beyont the point; and passing the finger-stone, not forty fathom from the shore o' the island, Bill and me pullin' and he sittin' in the stern, poor lad, up he rises, a bit rabblin' to himself, wi' his hands lifted so. "'Look a-head! says I, thinkin' something wos comin' atort us. "But 'twasn't that.

Derwentwater; and then he added with a smile, "We are novices in society, you and I. We do best in our own class; not to know that Montjoie will be in the very front of society, the admired of all admirers at least for a season or two! Isn't he a favourite of fortune, the best parti, a golden youth in every sense of the word " "Why, he was a scug!" cried Jock, with illimitable disdain.

I thought you thought no end of that little scug," cried savage Jock. Bice turned upon him that smile that said everything and nothing, and then flew like a bird upstairs.

To be seen with such a son in the crowded Oxford streets filled her with pride. She could have walked beside him for hours. At the college gate, Trix pinched her brother's arm. "Well, Duggy, say it!" "Say what, you little scug?" "'Thank God, I've got you out!" laughed the child, laying her cheek against his coat-sleeve. "That's what you're thinking. You know you are.

"Perhaps that's your opinion too," he said, "that Lord Montjoie's was fun?" "He's a scug," said Jock, laconically, "that's all I think about him." Mr. Derwentwater took the lad's arm. "And yet," he said, "Jock, though you and I consider ourselves his superiors, that is the fellow that will carry off the prize. Beauty and genius are for him. He must have the best that humanity can produce.

A fellow may be a scug, and yet not a bad fellow that is what Jock has yet to learn." "Oh, Tom, I cannot laugh," said Lucy. "What can she do, the Contessa says? She must marry the first that offers, and in the meantime she attracts notice like that. It is dreadful to think of it. I think that some one that we I ought to interfere." "My innocent Lucy," said Sir Tom, "how can you interfere?

It seems that a certain scug in the next village to ours happened last year to collar a Balliol " "Not Barlitt!" exclaimed Mike. "That was the man. The son of the vicar. The vicar told the curate, who told our curate, who told our vicar, who told my father, who sent me off here to get a Balliol too. Do you know Barlitt?" "His father's vicar of our village.

"But why Sedleigh, of all places?" "This is the most painful part of my narrative. It seems that a certain scug in the next village to ours happened last year to collar a Balliol " "Not Barlitt!" exclaimed Mike. "That was the man. The son of the vicar. The vicar told the curate, who told our curate, who told our vicar, who told my father, who sent me off here to get a Balliol too.

Now for the good news: Mamma has bought me the prettiest squirrel, his name is Scug; you will be quite delighted with him. Mamma desires me to tell you, she hopes to see you next Wednesday. Having nothing more to say, I must now conclude this, from "Your affectionate sister, "Sarah Dixon."

You have got all the old fogeys about the place, and she is not here," the boy said. "Is that why you are glooming upon everybody so?" said the unfeeling Lucy. "You cannot call your friend Lord Montjoie an old fogey, Jock. He says you were such friends at school." "I friends!" cried Jock with disdain. "Why, he was nothing but a scug."